Chapter 4

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I had planned on closing my eyes and resting for only a few minutes, but when I awoke the sun was creeping through the curtains, announcing a new day. I rose with a back stiff from lying in the same position the whole night. I hadn't even bothered to change or get under the covers, I had just curled up in the uncomfortable dress and passed out after supper. I stood up inspecting the entire room again as I had nothing better to do. As expected nothing had changed since yesterday. There were still only four pieces of heavy oak furniture in the room which were the bed, a wardrobe, a table with two chairs and a small table with a stool and a big mirror. There was a colourful red carpet covering the simple wooden floor along with matching thick curtains in front of the two windows. The bedsheets were white and yellow. Two tapestries covered small portions of the walls that did not have a window, showing scenes of two lions fighting and a castle burning.

The day dragged on slowly. No one came to see me at first, except for the two chambermaids who brought me food and emptied my chamberpot. I tried opening the door once, but it was locked and knocking on it like the maids did didn't get me anywhere. I should wait for one of them to come in, knocking her out and then get the guards to open the door thinking it was a Maid. But what then? Then I would stand face to face with two fully armoured Lannister guards without a single weapon. I could try dress in the maids clothes and slip past them, they don't know me this might just work. But then I would be in the castle, I don't know where the exit is or where I could hide or secretly slip out. Even if I got out of the castle, where would I go then? I had never been in the westerlands so all I could do is wander and hope I was going the right direction. What is the right direction? Where would I go, there was nowhere to go. Winterfell belonged to the Boltons, Riverrun to the Freys. All I could do is travel to the Eyrie and hope that my aunt Lysa had some pity on me. That was all the way across Westeros if I remembered the map correctly. I would need provisions for that and a strong horse. The road would take me straight through the riverlands and if I was completely honest with myself the chances of me being caught before I could get anywhere were far too high.

I stared at the tapestries for a while, letting my mind wander away and just try not to think of anything for a moment. After that I started brushing my hair. I never had time to brush my hair. I wonder how long it takes one to become mad while being locked up. I had once read a book explaining all kind of madnesses. It explained that after a time being locked up prisoners started showing signs of madness, banging their heads against the wall and making weird sounds. I couldn't quite recall how long they had been in prison, but I was certain it had been more than a day. But in my case it wasn't just the fact that I was locked up that keep nagging at me, but also the dreading anticipation, constantly entangling my bowels. Not knowing what they might possibly do or when they might come. The entire morning I had waited for someone to come by and punish me for punching the Kingslayer. Whatever the punishment, it would have been worth it. I thought to myself, I only regretted that I had missed his nose. I would have loved to break it and ruin that famous face of his.

Just when I actually started to feel the urge of bashing my head against the wall the oak door opened and the Kingslayer entered. I sat up abruptly from where I had been lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Good morning" he nodded a greeting as the guards closed the door behind him again.

Its almost noon. I stared at his wounded lip, still in the middle of deciding if I would give him the silent cold shoulder or respond.

"I hope everything has been to your liking" he looked around the simple room.

"Yes" I nodded. "I really love being locked up here" I agreed sarcastically.

To my disappointment it didn't seem to annoy him. "Well.. its better than sitting in your own shit for three months" he responded calmly.

I frowned, what was that supposed to mean? Then I remembered that he had been my brother captive. I eyed him, trying to picture him as a prisoner, dirty and smelly. That's probably where he lost all his long locks, as his hair was now short and stubbly. "How did you escape?"

"Excuse me?"

"My brother held you captive, how did you escape? Who did you kill?" I questioned.

"I'm afraid no one. Your Lady Mother let me go"

My face darkened and I stood up enraged. "Don't you talk about her! She would never-"

"You can yell at me all you want but it's the truth" his calm tone angered me even more.

I clenched my jaw and balled my fists.

"I swore an oath to her to return her daughters to her safely and she let me go" he explained further.

I could feel my face burn up and tears form in my eyes, and I hated myself for it. "Another oath for you to break" I growled.

"By the time I got to Kingslanding, Lady Catelyn was already dead"

"Yeah how inconvenient for you" I scoffed.

He looked like he wanted to say something but then just gave up on it.

"What happened to your hand?" I asked as I saw the strange golden prosthetic of hand on his right forearm.

His face seem to light up a bit in relief at the change of topic. "I'm afraid I lost it" he said holding up the golden hand in an awkward wave.

Under different circumstances I might have just been amused by that. "Is that why your aren't on the kingsguard anymore?" I tried putting one and one together.

"That an the fact that my little brother killed the king and my father needed someone to be his heir" he agreed.

If he lost his sword hand I could maybe overpower him, take his weapon and escape. But then there would still be the problem of the two guards outside the door and to my despair it also looked like he had no weapon on him.

"So he requires you to marry and further his line, but why did I have to come into the picture? Our families have the worst history, the north already belongs to the Boltons and in case everyone around here forgot: I am still barren" I unveiled the stupidity of the plan.

He nodded almost in agreement. "Well I'm afraid my Lord father has made up his mind"

     "Fuck your father"

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