II Chapter 64

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"The Wall?" it was the last subject I had expected her to address and it made me forget all about the worry of her unruly children. 

"Yes" she agreed, taking a seat next to me. "I have heard so many tales of late, I would care to hear your side" 

My heartbeat quickened involuntarily. "My side?" Was she asking about the white walkers? Was she asking about the Night King? Was she asking about the impending war to the north? "I am sorry your grace, I don't think I quite follow" I blind at her confused, hoping she could elaborate. 

She gave a small sigh, looking into her cup. "You brother" she stopped to correct herself. "- bastard brother - instead of recognising and accepting my claim to the iron throne he has send envoys. To mine the dragonglass bellow Dragonstone and to make strange requests" she explained. My hear skipped. Jon. Jon had written to her. Who had he sent as envoy? Was it someone I knew? Where they still at Dragonstone? What was I doing here if my countrymen were at Dragonstone? "They claim that the dragonglass will help them in the fight against an army of what they call the Others" her gaze rose to meet mine again. "As a northerner, who grew up with these tales I am asking you to tell me truthfully: what am I to make of these claims. And as someone who knows Jon Snow, what do you make of his intentions?" I could feel my hand grow clammy around the brass cup. What could I tell her? She was the queen, one wrong statement and she may push me away, declaring me mad. "Does he mean to mock me? Is this some ploy or trick? A distraction? Or could there be some truth to it" she demanded.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself and desperately find the right way to tell her what I knew. This was important, maybe the most important thing I ever had to do. I needed to convince her.

I have seen your future and the role you have to play.

"You grace" I began slowly. "I am not entirely sure how to express the weight of what I am about to tell you in a way that matters, but all that my brother claims is true" my grip tightened around my cup as I held her violet gaze. "There is a harsh winter approaching the realm and it comes in the form of terribly cold creatures, thought to have been gone for centuries"

For a painfully long moment she just watched me, her face void of any indications that might have told me what she was thinking. "So you would have me believe these absurd tales?" her tone held a slight note of challenge.

My grip tightened again "I do." I spoke with all the conviction I had to offer. 

Her brows furrowed slightly. "How can you be so sure?"

I can't tell her truth, I knew. If I tell her about my dreams she will think me mad. "I met a novice of the citadel in Oldtown" I told her instead. "...who is a sword brother of the Night's Watch. He has told me of the things he has seen beyond the Wall. He himself has killed an Other using dragonglass" 

"An Other?"

"White walker, cold one. Whatever you choose to call them. The creatures of ice that raise the dead with ancient magic" i flinched internals at the mention of magic. Had I gone too far? 

But she did not look taken aback, only thoughtful. "And you believe the words of this stranger?"

"I do." I nodded

She took a slow sip from her cup, blowing her some time to think. "Your brother's envoys would have me abandon King's Landing and the South entirely to turn all my armies north to assist in this battle they predict" she told me.

As should I, I realised. It is what Bran would want. No doubt this was the purpose he saw in me. But how could I ever convince her if all her advisers could not?

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