Chapter 39

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We had left early that morning, leaving the high city walls and the crowds of people behind us. And the sickness I hope. Overhearing a few conversations the commander had with his captains before we set of I came to know that the harbour master had fallen ill himself. being found in his home, feverish and clawing at his itching skin.

My eyes moved between the guards riding before me. The read cloaks lead our traveling group, which had quite grown in number. Four guards at the front, then came the commander and Ser Dain, followed my myself Euron, Walter and the two Lannister guards. The End was made up of another handful of re cloaks. Any of them could be infected. I tried to look for symptoms, any irritated skin or sunken eyes. I had tried reasoning with commander Vylarr once more as the horses were saddled, but he was as stubborn as an ox that man.

I hadn't had any dreams ever since I warged into the rat. Still I woke up worried and nervous. I couldn't even have breakfast that morning.
You worry too much, I tried telling myself. Vylarr may be an ox, but he was much older than me and probably had been at his post for some time. He knows what he's doing, I tried telling myself.

I decided to try and enjoy my freedom instead, for it wouldn't last much longer. Even between all these guards, I still felt more free on this gravel road in the open hills, than I ever could behind city or castle walls. What I truly missed was the forest. It didn't have to be the Wolfswood, but anything more than a a valley full of trees, would do. Sadly the road to the rock was accompanied by wide grassy plains, with a hand full of thin trees, scattered here and there.

"You are a strange woman"

I tore my gaze from the country side and looked over to the commander who had slowed his horse to walk beside mine. 

"If it weren't for that raven from Casterly Rock and your Lannister guards, I would have though to you as nothing more than a peasant"

I wanted to tell him that clearly my clothes, although ill-fitting, where clearly of a higher quality than a peasant could afford. But I didn't know where his conversation would be leading so I stayed quiet.

"No wonder your husband left you"

Ser Euron cleared his throat noticeably behind us, while Vylarr's words just bounced off me. I din't care what he thought. Clearly this was a power play. He wanted to get me angry and show me that he could say whatever he wanted, because I had no authorities here in west. And he did.

"Tell me commander Vylarr, do you expect Lord Kevin to thank you for insulting me on the entire way back" I asked in bitter politeness.

"Don't take me for a fool" he muttered. "Although his letter was full of the proper terms and courtesies I am well able to read between the lines" his gaze turned to the road ahead as he sat up straighter. "You are nothing but a prisoner" he added and I could almost imagine hearing a drop of pity in his words. "You're just too stupid to realise"

"Excuse me!"

The old steed whinnied and threw his head back in slight distress as Ser Euron lead his horse between the two of us. "Must I remind you that this is your Lady!" He hissed at the commander angrily. "You should be asha-"

"Must I remind you you'll probably be on your way to the front lines soon" Vylarr retorted.
Euron inhaled sharply.

"Thank you Ser" I said strictly directed at the knight, not wanting anything to get out of hand. "Lets not tear ourselves apart before getting back"

There was no time arguing with someone who was rude just for rudeness sake. I could partially understand. He had had a long day behind himself and a great mess in the city, where they had to close down two parts of the docks. But he was a cowards for leaving. He could hide behind his excuses of returning me all he liked, but I sensed that his real reason for leaving was that he feared the sickness would get out of control and overcome the entire city.

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