II Chapter 61

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The castle fell with not a single casualty. And the only injuries were gained by some of Daven's men, who scrambled over one another as they desperately tried to rush off the wall that Drogon perched upon.

As Lord Swyft lead his vanguard of westermen, each gate as opened without further resistance. It was amazing what the mere presence of a dragon could do. The Unsullied soon followed, securing each level of the castle and disarming the Lannister and Tully soldiers. By the time our queen rode through the inner gates, the silent sentinels already stood guard, while Swyft's men tore down the enemy's banners. I should make my own banner, I thought as I watched the golden lion be thrown into the dirt. Just to avoid any confusion.

"My Lord" one of Lord Swyft's generals approached. "We have freed the captives from the cells, what do you you wish to be done with them?" he demanded. 

I gazed over at Daenerys, unsure if I should speak for her, for it was she that was in charge now. "I am certain will like the chance to thank their liberator" I pointed out, then turned slightly in my saddle to look at the Tyrell man. "Lord Willas, this is your castle, where best can our queen receive her subjects?"

Willas had just climbed form his horse, staggering slightly as he trued to us. "Yes of course, the great hall should fit your needs" he pointed out eagerly. "Should you want to refresh first I will have my servants prepare you-"

"That is quite alright" Daenerys interrupted him, getting off her own horse. "I would like to meet my people first, please show me to the great hall and have my subjects brought before me" she requested, following alongside the Lord. Greyworm always keeping close to his queen. 

I remained on my horse, seeing as though my men had yet to find anything for me to use to step from my saddle somewhat dignified. I studied the backs of the Targaryen queen and the Tyrell man, noting that although they did not look like a fitting couple, their union would surely be a profitable one. She could rule and he could provide. But I did not yet have the nerve to have such conversation with the girl. I contemplated myself with planning for the coming winter and not yet for the future of the entire realm. First we have to defeat Cersei, I reminded myself when they finally found me a barrel to step onto. It was still awkward, especially with my dumb leg. 

I groaned slightly and rubbed it as a stableboy lead my horse away. Looking around I took in the grandeur of Highgarden. It did seem more luxurious than the Rock, even from just looking at the facades of the buildings. It seemed cleaner and more detailed. And even though it was autumn and most of the plants looked barren and dull, I could perfectly imagine the kind of splendour they must hold during summer. I could see a girl like Margery Tyrell fitting in perfectly here. Sansa would have surely been happy here as well. And I had hoped the same for her older sister, I did not intend for her to fall back into the hands of my cousin. i had not intended for any of this. 

I was only waiting for the reprimand I would surely get for failing to foresee that my family would abandon their ancestral castle and plunder the Westerlands and the Reach. But how could I have foretold such a thing? After all the pride and loyalty my father preached all those years. All those speeches of legacy. The castle had been in my family's possession since before the coming of the Andals, only to be discarded by my sister so easily. 

"Shall I show you the way Lord Tyrion?" it was the knight that Willas kept by his side most of the time, who had approached me and pulled me from my thoughts. 

"Ser Crane" I hoped I remembered correctly. "That would be most kind of you" I agreed, trying my best to keep up with gate. Alls these characters that had only just met me had yet to master the art of slowing down their pace to accommodate for my shortcomings. "It seems your escape was not without injury" I spoke, looking to his arm in a sling. 

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