II Chapter 5

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The wind pulled at my dark coat as I stomped through the castle in an effort to clear my head. My heart was pounding nervously and I was not entirely sure if it was because of the memories that Olenna Tyrell's words had threatened to suffice or if it was because of that strange sensation that had overcome me. It had felt so foreign and unnatural, and now that it was gone I had half the heart to turn back to tell the old woman that what I really desired was to see Cersei swallow a gallon of her wildfire and have her set ablaze. But her and the master of whisperers no doubt had more important things to conspire about. 

I stopped for a moment, studying the statue of a great stone dragon, seemingly perched atop one of the guard towers, it's tail twisting round the stone wall and mouth opened in a never-ending silent roar. I knew that old ledgers claimed that they were once real dragons, turned to stone as the fortress was build and found myself trying to imagine them coming back to life. How magnificent and terrifying that would be.

As if by some poetic destiny a screeching roar could be heard in the sky and as my head turned I was just able to see a pale bat-like wing disappear behind one of the dark towers of the castle.
Curious and distracted from my earlier discomfort I followed the path that lead in the general direction the dragon had flown. The pale creature was easy to spot against the dark volcanic rock that rose in pointed cliffs like claws or teeth from the earth. Nestled between these cliffs were little planes and slopes with windblown grass and bushes sotted throughout. It was on such a plane, a fair distance for the castle that the dragon dropped down, releasing another screech. 

My eyes widened as I continued along the wall to gain full view of what I know recognised as all three of the dragons I had heard about. The largest was a big black beast, which immediately reminded me of the black dragon skull of Balerion the Dread bellow the Red Keep. It roared at it's smaller companions, causing the third to flap its wings and hop backwards, allowing me to even take notice of it as it was otherwise rather camouflaged against the green of the grass at this distance. The ground beneath them was charred and looked a bit as if it were smoking, but that could have just been fog that was ever present on the island.
I climbed a set of stairs leading to a small lookout platform, only to realise it was already occupied. 

A Dothraki soldier stepped into my path, blocking me access to the Targaryen girl. The bells in his hair rang gently as he stared down at me with dark eyes. I took note of the badly fitting wool tunic underneath his furs and pendants and wondered for the first time how his people fared over here in Westeros. After all, I knew the Dothraki to be a nomadic people, made for the heat.

Daenerys said something in his tongue and the savage stepped aside. "Come" she urged with a friendly smile. "Join me"

I took my eyes off her guard and walked toward her, noting that Misandei was with her.

Her violet eyes turned to look at her dragons again. "Beautiful aren't they?" She questioned in an almost loving tone. 

I came to stand at a respectable distance, following her gaze. "I still can't believe that they are real" I admitted, watching as the green dragon walked over to the cliff edge of their little meadow and pushed himself off to seemingly fall into the abyss before he spread his wings and soared through the air almost effortlessly.   

"Many can't" she agreed. "Until they see them"

I shook my head in wonder as the black beast spread its wings and took flight, the gust he created could be felt even from this distance. 

"Where did you get the eggs?" I pondered turning my head to her. 

She gave a small smile as her eyes became distant, no doubt thinking back to times long past. "They were gifted to me on my wedding day by the man my brother and I lived with for most of our lives" she explained. 

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