Chapter 3

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I paced back and forth in my room. After the incident in the royal garden they had locked me back in here. I had searched the room from top to bottom, but there was nothing that even resembled a sharp object. 

 "Marry the Kingslayer? Over my dead body" I muttered to myself as I sat down on the bed, pressing on the bandaged old cut on my arm in an attempt to calm me down. It must have been the greatest fall and insult to my house yet. Killing my Family, giving my home to that traitor Bolton and now they want me to behave and marry one of theirs. Not just anyone but Jamie-fucking-Lannister himself. The greatest bastard in the seven kingdoms. My brother should have killed him when he had the chance. 

My thoughts were interrupted as the door opened suddenly and I sat up straight. It was the young chambermaid from earlier. She had a tray of what was no doubt going to be my supper in her hands and gave me a quick shy glance before placing it on the desk in the room. 

"Something to eat M'Lady" she explained. She seemed to be of similar age to Arya, with ash blond hair which she wore in a complicated knot. Her skin was a tanned orange, covered in dark freckles. She threw me nervous glances but never manage to keep eye contact. 

 "What's your name?" I asked her just because I had been alone with my thoughts all afternoon and needed a distraction. 

 "Irys, if it please M'Lady" she answered with a bow of her head. 

 "It's not supposed to please me, it's your name" I mumbled under my breath. 

"Pardon M'Lady?"

 "Nothing, do you know what they have planned for me?" I asked in the hopes of getting just the slightest bit more information about my fate at Casterly Rock. 

She blinked in confusion. "You are to marry Jamie Lannister, is all I know M'Lady" 
I nodded in slight disappointment staring down at my hands. 
 "You should eat something" Irys urged shyly. "It'll help you get your strength back" with those words she nocked on the door and the guards let her out again, leaving me alone with my thoughts.


 "This is never going to work" I sighed with exhaustion as I traced my tongue over the cracked part of my lip again. 

 "You will make it work" my father retorted strictly. 

 "How do you expect that girl to accept me after what we did to her family" I questioned gesturing towards the general direction of Carliene's room. 

 "What we did to her family was the law! The Starks rebelled so they were put down" he sounded more angered with every word. "And you will make her accept you, not concern yourself with her feelings" he growled as he looked over a pile of parchments on the table. 

"Yeah try explaining that to her" I said annoyed as I let myself drop onto one of the chairs at the long table in the hall. 

 "Are you really going to quit so easily?" he asked reproachful. 

"There is nothing to quit, this is a hopeless corse. Not only is this girl extremely strong-willed she happens to also now how to handle a knife and I for one doubt that she can be persuaded to not use those skills on one of her biggest enemies" I tried to reason with him. 

 "Then show her that you are not the enemy" father said as if it were the most easily done thing in Westeros. 

 "How do you expect me to do that?"

 "I don't know, you are going to be one of the most powerful men in the seven kingdoms along with your rewarding advantages of good looks and charm, I am sure you can win her over" 

"Father we killed her parents, my looks aren't going to matter. If I have to marry why not find me an easier, tamer wife?" I asked tired. 

 "I will hear no more of this" he roared. "You will marry this girl wether she is tame or not, so for the sake of a healthy marriage I suggest you get her to understand and get to terms with her past or be prepared to lock her up all her live. Whatever it takes for her to do her duty" with those words he strode out of the room. 

My phantom hand twitched as my tongue passed over my lip again. What had I gotten myself into? Clearly it would all be for nothing as Tyrion had escaped the execution either way. And now I was stuck with a castle and a betrothed I never wanted, miles away from Cercei. And father got exactly what he wanted.

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