Chapter 35

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I gritted my teeth, time had turned my worry into confusion and finally into anger. We had rode along the shore for hours, following the harbour, which stretched almost along the length of the entire city. The sun already hung low over the horizon as we reached the northern most part of the harbour for a second time.
"What are we looking for?" I finally asked directly, tried of all the courtesies of trying to convince the Stark girl to return to the market, were there were less drunk sailors or to find a suitable inn for the night.

She ignored me once again, turning her steed around and heading back the way we came. Her gaze was traveling over the sailors and men working at the harbour, but also shifted to the ships lying in the bay. If she was looking for a ship to escape on, why was she taking so long, it was only drawing attention to us.

As if the stranger had read my thoughts, we didn't get far until a group of guard dressed in silver armour and red garb stopped us. I inhaled sharply, trying to calm myself.
"Welcome Lady Lannister" the man's voice was surprisingly soft for his broad appearance.

"And who might you be?" the Stark girl challenged fearlessly, while I wondered how they had recognised her.

The man bowed his head, he wasn't a guardsman I had met before. "Ser Dain, my Lady" he stated politely. "The commander wishes to see you"

I swallowed, how naive I had been for thinking we could avoid Vylarr while in his city.

"Why?" the girl challenged.

The guard smiled amused. "We've had word from the Lord of Casterly Rock" he announced, causing my heart to sink further, I would definitely be sent to the Riverlands for this.

Lady Carliene thought for a moment. "You'll have to pass my regrets to your commander, but i am afraid we have more urgent things to do this afternoon" she said politely but with a stubborn intensity.

Ser Dain's smile didn't fade. "I'm afraid I must insist" he raised his hand, causing the rest of the men to surround us slowly.

I gripped my reigns tighter as we had no coach but to follow the man. The Stark girl shot me a look and I could see a spark of worry in them. She was probably noticing that her plans of escape were foiled.

The quarters of the city guards was a large set of buildings carved of white marble. It had its own raven tower and stables. Entering the yard many eyes turned to us. A large cloak did you no good if everyone knew who you were. We were made to dismount and Ser Dain led us to the commander's chambers.

I had always disliked Vylarr. He preyed on the weak and was hungry for power and control. He was sitting at his desk, plucking a bag of coins from a scale and placing it in a wooden box as we entered.
"Lord Commander" Ser Dain called to gain his attention. "We found them by the northern docks" he explained as the other guards ushered us inside.
"Ah yes" he leaned back in his chair and studied us.

The proper thing would have been to rise for a greeting, but Vylarr only extended his courtesies if he felt it made him profit.
"Lady Cathlyn was it?" he said, picking up a letter in front of him and scanning it quickly.
"Carliene" the stark girl corrected unaffected. She did not yet understand that he had done it on purpose to keep her on her knees.

"Well you're a far way from home Lady Carliene" he noted as if talking to child.
The girl laughed unamused. "You don't say"

His face turned sour at her response.
"Commander Vylarr, we were simply-"

"You be quiet Hill!" he snapped at me. "You spineless imbecile, they should have you tend to the stables as you have no more whit than a donkey" he said standing up. He was tall and slim, with a hooked nose and a lightly arched stance in his age. He looked like a vulture. "Take him out of here" he ordered and before I could protest two guard had me locked in their grip.

I looked to Lady Carliene, she had brought this upon herself but I didn't want to leave her alone with such a man. For a moment our eyes met and I though she would protest on my behalf, but then she turned back to the captain as I was dragged out from the room.

As we reached the yard I shook off the guards angrily. I grabbed the pommel of my sword, turning to the two men threateningly.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" the familiar soft voice of Ser Dain caused me to spin around, hand still on my sword.
"What are they doing in there?" I demanded, awful images already drifting through my imagination.

The night shrugged his large shoulders. "Talk" he suggested. "We know who she is, no harm will come to the Lady" he added. He had probably spotted the distrust in my eyes. "Its a daring thing" he started dup, stepping closer. "Escaping with the wife of your Lord" he sounded almost a little impressed.
I snapped for air, outraged by his accusations. "I would never- That is just absurd!" I felt my ears burn as I realised that it was a plausible thought people could conjure up. Is that what the Lannisters though as well? That I was trying to escape with her? They would throw me off the cliffs for that.

Ser Dain raised a brow as if challenging my words. He made no efforts to question me further though.

It felt like ages until the Stark girl finally emerged from the building, though it could not have been so long. She was lead by a guard, her face red with anger.

"What a vile man" she spat as I rushed to her side.
"You are to stay as our guests for the night" the guard said dutifully. "In the morning commander Vylarr himself will accompany you back to Castely Rock"
I balled my fists. Of course the old snake would take the chance to kiss the Lannister's boots.

The guard led Lady Carliene away, probably to lock her up securely as commander Vylarr's latest treasure. 

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