Chapter 21

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As I followed the Kingslayer to the main hall Bronn fell in beside us. "Is it gonna be another day of walking around the castle?" he pondered unamused. 

"No I'll attend the hearing" I explained, not in the mood for witty remarks.

"Nothing better than standing about listening to men talk all day" he sighed. "If I were lord I'd just make the people fight it out. A guy stole another man's pig? Give them both a sword and let them settle it"

Kingslayer chuckled. "If that were the way of it the sellswords would rule the realm" 

"You know it" Bronn agreed as we entered the great hall. 

A large crowd of commoners and nobles alike had already gathered. At the end of the hall stood a couple of large chairs, suspiciously similar to thrones. Before and next to them were a couple of cushioned stools. I noticed the fat maester already occupying one. The mutter in the hall died down a bit as we entered and ascended the steps. Kingslayer took a seat in one of the large wooden chairs, carved from heavy dark wood. Defying Lord Kevans wishes I did not join the other ladies on the balcony but took a seat on a small stool next to the scribe, who gave me an awkward side glance. The people stared at me, so I held my head high and sat up straight pushing out my chest.

Lord Kevan gave me a disapproving look as he entered as well, taking a seat next to his nephew. The hearing began and I at least kept true to my word of not speaking up. The whole situation made me think back to the time when my father shortly sat the iron throne as hand, while the king was out hunting. When my father stripped the hound's brother of all position and title and almost declared the Lannisters enemy of the crown. He was just, for all the good it did him. 

Lord Kevan surprised me, he did not turn out as I had expected. Greedy and ruthless like his brother. For all the hate he seamed to have for me, he had love for his people. Sometimes even his rule seemed to be influenced more by his heart that his rational thoughts. For example when two traders from Lannisport stepped forth. One of which accused the other of having a ship infested with the pox just outside the harbour, begging for it to be burned for everyones safety. The accused stood nearly in tears, not dressed half as richly as the other man he explained that he would go into ruin if they burned his ship as it was the only one he had and that his children would go starving. He begged Ser Kevan to allow him to dock his ship and sell his merchandise of wool and hides, swearing his ship was clean. 

"He lies" his accuser assured. He was dressed in colourful silks, his beard coloured in some fashion of the free cities, a heavy bravosi accent in his tone. "I have heard his men complain stomach-ache" he assured. 

"Seasickness" the man said. "Please m'Lord, this man only wishes to ruin me as he is also trading in hides and means to sell them for a higher price" I could see the sweat glistering on his forehead even from a distance. 

Lord Kevan sent for the harbourmaster. "Do you know the look of pox?" he questioned the man as he arrived. 

"I do m'lord, I've seen a whole fleet from Tyrosh burned before since the whole crew had it" he assured with a bow. 

"And have any of his men shown signs of it?" he gestured to the sobbing merchant. 

The harbourmaster eyed the trader. "No m'lord, their skin is unharmed and healthy"

Lord Kevan nodded. "So be it then, let the man dock his ships and sell his goods" 

That was all the merchant could handle, he fell to his knees, thanking and praising him, while his accuser looked about sourly. "It is as I say! You have doomed the whole city" he yelled angry as they led both of them from the hall. 

In my eyes that was quite a bold decision, I would have sent a maester to thoroughly examine the crew and the ship before letting them into the harbour. But I held my tongue and watched on. The hearing lasted late into the afternoon, the Kingslayer really had piled up quite a lot. He was no Lord, he did't have it in him. He was meant to serve and fight and mock, living a careless life of adventure. Though I suppose he lost all hope to such a live when he lost his sword hand. 

When I finally got up my back was stiff and my buttocks hurt from all the sitting. I followed the two lords from the hall, Bronn soon on my heels. I wondered wether I should bring the traders back up and suggest a search of the ship before letting it ashore, but I decided to hold my tongue. I had angered Lord Kevan enough and after more of his character had been revealed to me I felt almost as if I wanted to be on better terms with him. 

"What a dull affair" Bronn complained beside me. "My feet are sore from standing all day" 

"You are quite the complainer"

"You're one to talk, you did;t have to stand all though the wining of those cunts" he pointed out as we fell behind slightly, out of earshot of the lords. 

"Why don't you rest then?" I suggested turning to him. "You have my leave to take the rest of the day off. I'm not going anywhere . So why don't you go find a brother to lift your spirits?"

He grinned at that. "Oh that does sound good, but I'm afraid I answer to your lord husband"

I frowned displeased. "Your loss" I muttered. 

"Aye" he agreed. 

The table was already set in the dining hall and for the first time in a while, when I saw the steaming turnip soup and roasted beef did I felt truly hungry again. Lady Dorna and her children were already seated, both of them tensed as they saw me, Martyn growing especially pale again. His mother noticed and whispered something in his ear, causing him to relax a bit. The tableware was set so that we all would be sitting together at one end of the table. Which made sense and would have been nice if there weren't so much dislike between us. I sat down next to Jayne, who moved over to the opposite edge of her chair, why Lord Kevan took the seat at the head of the table, the Kingslayer opposite from me. The dinner passed in silence. I found myself too busy enjoying the food anyways, a day of sitting and listening in silence had surely made me hungry. When I was on my second peace of meat I notice the Lannister buy staring at me, his own plate barely touched. 

"Eat boy" his father said strictly. "You need to get your strength back" 

He looked at his plate, swallowing an empty mouthful. Then he stared back at me. 

"It is alright Martyn, you're safe now" his mother assured and the boy picked his spoon back up. 

So Martyn was his name, he couldn't be much older than Bran would have been by now. Bran hadn't said anything to me last I saw him, he was fighting for his life after the Kinglsayer push him off a tower. You will always be my daughter. What about now father? Now that I've married the man you probably despised most of all. 

I urged myself to find some privacy to talk to the boy alone. Maybe befriending him would make his father despise me less. 

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