Chapter 54

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I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, letting the wind hit my face, pulling at my dress and headpiece. I opened my eyes too look over the small beach and the never ending sea beyond it. The servants had already prepared a narrow table and some cushions, with a small pavilion to block the sun. Just as I had planned.
I turned my gaze to Carliene, who looked at the ocean with big eyes. It warmed my heart. It was a good thing to take her out of the castle, I knew how tedious it could be to be kept as a royal prisoner in the same quarters for so long. 

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I asked when she came to stand next to me. 

She turned her head to look up at the rock, towering high above us. "It's impressive" she agreed. I sensed that she tried to hide her astonishment. She was still too proud to admit that the lions den was more magnificent that the wolf's cave.

"We have lemon pastries and pigeon pies and fruits and fresh cider" I specified as I grabbed hold of her arm and lead her to the table. "And the whole beach to ourselves, no one will disturb us here"

She looked around, taking note of the guards standing on the rocks, creating a human wall to guard us from harm. She wouldn't have to worry about another attack.

Martyn and Janei ran past us as we sat down, chasing each other along the beach. "The children love it" I pointed out. 

She followed the two with her eyes as she took a seat on one of the cushions. "I never thought they would be let loose like this" she admitted. 

What was that supposed to mean? "I believe in the strict discipline of any noble child. They should know their place and how to act at court. But once in a while they should be allowed to be children" I explained, hoping she would remember this when her own child was born.
A small smile formed on her face as she watched my children at play. In that moment i knew the preparations had been worth it. Kevan had been against the idea from the start. saying it was too risky and too dangerous. Saying that we could be ambushed or that the girl could try to run away. Only when I had agreed to double the guards had he allowed me to go through with it.

"Is it always this calm?" Carliene questioned, stuffing a grape in her mouth and looking over the sea. 

I smiled. "No, but it's low tide and we have exceptional weather don't you think?"

She nodded, chewing on more grapes. I studied her for a moment. She was beautiful even with the cut on her chin and her bloody eye, which grew darker by each passing day. She could turn so many heads if she wanted and she doesn't even realise. Maybe that is a good thing.

My gaze fell to her stomach. "How are you feeling dear?" I leaned in, stroking her arm gently. "Have you felt the little one move yet?"

She shifted in her seat. "No, not yet" Her bandaged hand came to rest on her abdomen as she chewed and stared out at the sea.

"Do you miss Winterfell?" I changed the topic. 

When I had been taken from my home I felt that talking about where I came from helped me through the sorrow and loss. 

She looked at me, as if she was searching for something in my eyes. "I miss how things used to be" she finally answered honestly. "So simple"

I nodded. "When I feel homesick I just look at my children" I explained. 'And realise that I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than by their side"

Her expression changed, her eyes got distant and all emotion drained from her face. "Excuse me" she mumbled and rose.

For a moment I feared that she wanted to leave the beach. 

"I'd like to put my feet into the water" she gathered her skirt and walked towards the ocean.

I watched her, fearing that I had angered her. I simply wanted to teach her how to survive at court in a situation such as hers. She was far too proud and stubborn to get through it by herself. She had to realise that many of the privileges she enjoyed now, could all be taken from her once her child was born.

I sat alone, watching Martyn and Janei balance on the stones that were just beyond the wave's reach. Carliene had taken her shoes off and pulled up her skirts to let the waves wash over her feet.

It was then that I heard the bells. I only noticed them because Carliene suddenly turned to look up at the rock and the children stopped playing to do the same. The sept bells were ringing loudly without stop. My heart sank as I rose, noticing the guards around us also seemed to grow nervous. Were we under attack? Was there a fire? Kevan. I called for my children and ordered that we be taken back to the castle immediately. Carliene gently tried to protest, but i would have none of it. If there was danger, the rock was the safest place for us.

Still, it took us a considerable amount of time to get back up the rock, during which the bells never fell silent.

Entering the courtyard, I spotted no smoke or battle preparations. "What's happened, why are the bells ringing?" I demanded of the next servant I met.
The lad only shrugged, before continuing on whatever he was doing. Luckily I spotted my handmaids rushing towards me. Alysanne looking rather pale. 

"What's happened?" I demanded. 

"The Lord's died"
My knees grew weak and my heart dropped. I had seen him just this morning, he was in perfect health. "Kevan" I breathed.

Ella shook her head. "No my Lady, the Lord Tywin" she clarified. I felt myself relaxing a bit. I had never liked Kevan's older brother. He was a hard man and he liked using my husband for his plots and plans at every turn. But he had also been the sole figure of strength and power in this house. With him gone there would be chaos.

"Tywin is dead?" it was Carliene beside me.

I got hold of Alysanne's hands to get her attention. "Where is my husband now?"

"In his study I believe" she answered with a slight tremor in his voice. 

I said no more but hurried to his chambers. Whatever burden Tywin and been on him, Kevan had loved his older brother. I found him sitting at his table, his head in his hands. He looked up as he saw me his face cold. 

"My dear I've just heard the tragic news" I exclaimed kneeling down next to his chair and placing a hand on his arm. 

He nodded. "The letter just arrived" he gestured to an unrolled piece of parchment. "Killed by his own son" he spat, rising so quickly from his seat that it scraped against the floor nosily. He walked over to the window and looked outside at the ocean.

I blinked. "That's horrible, I though the Tyrion was sentenced to death"

"That creature deserves to burn in the deepest of the seven hells" he growled. "First killing the king, now his won father" he shook his head. 

I got up to stand next to him. "I am so sorry my dear" I said carefully. 

He nodded, giving me a tired look. I could see sorrow in his eyes and puled him into a hug. He stiffened for a moment before he relaxed and lay his chin on my shoulder. He had lost yet another family member, what had he ever done for the world to be so cruel to him.


I paced through the garden, once again pressing at my bandaged palm. I did not know how I felt at the news of Tywin's passing. Part of me didn't want to believe it. It was too good to be true. The other part was disappointed that I hadn't been the one to do it or at least been present. I hope he had suffered. I hope he had been betrayed by someone he trusted and had his throat slit like my mother or his heart stabbed like my brother.

This meant that the kingslayer was warden of the west now. He hadn't wanted this betrothal either, in fact no one but his father had. So with him dead maybe there was some hope of me getting out of this mess. Maesters and kings had annulled marriage before. And with Cercei being the kings mother and the kingslayer's lover maybe she would persuade Tommen to set us both free.
Surely that would put me in a more life threatening position, but I had been known to handle those before.

My heart jumped a little. Tywin was dead. And once the great lion falls, the rest of the pride is far less threatening. 

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