II Chapter 10

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I scratched my shoulder through the rough spun tunic, my other on the hilt of my sword as I watched my footing while departing from the Crystal Waters. The shirt had been a gift from the citadel, along with the murky smelling woolen cloak, as they had to burn my old garb.

"A shame to see ya leave Ser" the captain stated as he followed me onto the docks. "The waters are not as safe as they once were, I could've used another strong man like you" 

He was an old comely man, with a friendly face and a whip of grey hair on his freckled head. 

"I thank you, but I am no sailor" I lowered my hand from my shoulder and offered it to him. "I wish you a safe journey" 

He took my hand, placing the other atop. "Aye, I know the way like the back of my hand but the sea is foaming with krakens" he released my hand. "And dragons too if rumours be believed"

I more than hoped they were, otherwise my journey would have been for nothing. 

"Safe travels Ser Jorah, always a pleasure to sail with northerners" 

I nodded and smiled, he was one of the first northerners I had met in a long time and his company these last days had almost filled me with a sense of yearning for home. Though home was not what it once was if the captain was to be believed. The Starks gone, the northern army slaughtered, my father dead. A lot had changed since last I walked the continent, and not for the better. 

I let my gaze wander across the docks, studying the many sails and sigils I could make out. Once again I had to note that I had gone rather rusty on my knowledge of noble houses and their colours. That won't do, not if I want to be worth serving Daenerys

I continued onto the cobbled street of the harbour, facing stalls of merchants selling fish and rope and sails. The distant clinking of a smith could be heard and my fingers closed around the hilt of my sword. A sword worth serving a queen.

I spotted my travelling companion further up the street, standing in front of a shop with an impudent sign of a bare-breasted mermaid hanging above the door. He was not an easy man to miss. He was not tall but broad as an ox, with large hands, a large nose and large ears. 

He looks like a court jester, I found. "Archmaester" I called out to him as I approached. 

Archmaester Marwyn was a strange sort of fellow. He had mastered strange subjects at the citadel. He kept strange friends, had strange interests and even stranger ideas. 

I was still not completely sure if this was a man I wanted to meet the queen, but I had had not much say in the matter. On my release at the citadel Samwell Tarly had introduced us and since he had also told the Archmaester all about who I was and whom I served, the man had decided to accompany me. 

"I hope you are not thinking about entering this establishment" I stated in a disapproving tone, glancing at the brothel. 

He turned to me, his staff giving a small clang as placed it back onto the cobbles. 

A staff made of valyrian steel to show that he had studied the mystic arts. To me it was just a big waste. Valyrian steel is supposed to be used to make swords and not staffs. Swords like the one hanging from my belt right now. Also a gift from Tarly. 

"Your father saved my life, more than once. This sword is lost on me, but maybe it will do you some good" and then he had placed the magnificent weapon into my hands and when I unraveled the cloth I was near speechless to find a perfect valyrian blade within.

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