II Chapter 36

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The court of roses was a hall in the rose keep, with large windows that gave view of the grey sky. The walls were hung with elaborate tapestries depicting scenes of victory for the Tyrell house and the beauty of its members, decorated in the depiction of roses of every colour imaginable. In the middle stood a polished oaken table, covered in a large map of the seven kingdoms. Little wooden statues depicted the different participants of the war, freshly painted as it would seem. About two dozen cushioned chairs surrounded this table, leaving a space of about four feet to the table so that each of the lords occupying those chairs could have an equal view of the map. Lord Willas was sat at one end of the table, with Lord Garth and Ser Vortimer at his sides.

The chairs that Olenna and I occupied stood against the wall, a considerable distance from where the planning happened. I suppose that meant we were not to get involved. It disappointed me somewhat, but I was happy enough that I was allowed to attend at all. Clearly some of the Lords were not too happy about it as they kept sending us displeased looks. 

"Bandallon sits right at the shores of the sunset sea, yet Lord Blackbar did not leave behind half of his men in fear of the iron men" Lord Florent had abandoned his seat as he loudly accused the Hightowers of only sending a small portion of their strength.

"Bandallon is a fortified castle" Garth Hightower was standing as well, gesturing towards Lord Blackbar who clearly just wanted to be held out of the argument. "Not one of the largest cities in the realm, should the harbour defences fall there will be thousands of people at risk" 

"Which is exactly why Lord Redwyne is not present at this council" Alekyne snapped back. "Because he was charged to defend the harbour and the Redwyne Straight" 

"But his fleet is not what it once was" Gunthor Hightower spoke u more calmly from where he sat. "It always takes longer to build a ship than to burn or sink one"

"To be sure the iron born threat should not be taken lightly" Ser Oakheart spoke up before Lord Florent could continue his rant. "I am sure you all remember what happened to the Shield Islands" his dark eyes scanned date room and an uncomfortable silence held the air for a moment. 

I wasn't too informed on the matter but what I had gathered thus far was that the ironborn had taken the islands and done horrible things to the families that used to live there. 

"Is there something to be done about that? With the Islands defeated it is a straight shot up the Mander directly towards Highgarden" Lord Willum pondered loudly, leaning back in his chair with his hands folded on his large belly. 

"Euron Greyjoy would have long been defeated if he were as stupid as to sail his ships up to the capital of the Reach, especially while it hosts the largest army in Westeros right outside it's walls" Randyll Tarly replied calm but in a deep voice from where he sat at the opposite end of the table. 

Lord Florent gave a deep chuckle. "And Lord Tarly surely knows all about Euron Greyjoy, tell me when did you meet him?" he pondered loudly and gave the man a suggestive look. "Was it before you swore fealty to Cersei Lannister or after?" 

The hall filled with whispers as everyones attention turned to the Lord at the end of the table. I furrowed my bros slightly as I studied him, trying to read his emotions and intensions, not yet understanding the extend of Alekyne's words. 

Tarly looked around the room, his expression as strict as stone. "It is no secret that I answered the crown's call" he announced. "As did many other uses of the Reach"

"Admitting to treason still makes you a traitor" Florent pushed on. 

"I did whatever I had to to leave King's Landing with my life" the old warrior raised his voice slightly. "Or has anyone here forgotten the loss the south has just suffered at the hands of the Lannisters?" 

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