Chapter 31

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"Why don't you have a handmaiden?" Joanna asked as she sat next to me on the stone bench and played with my hand, clapping it against hers and entwining her little fingers with mine.
Mia and Jeyne had found a liking to my hair and were standing behind it, brushing and braiding it.

I shrugged as best I could in the stiff position I was sitting in. "I don't know, do I need one?" I questioned only half interested. The girl had a talent for talking. More precisely for asking question after question.

"I thought all royal Ladies need handmaidens" she said thoughtfully. "My mother has three!" it sounded like a small boast.

"I'd like to have handmaids one day" Mia decided aloud.

"But you can't" Joanna decided. "Only royal Ladies can" she turned half around on the bench to look at the two elder girls. "You're going to be Janei's Handmaiden when you are older" the little girl explained very seriously. 

Janei, her name is Janei not Jeyne! I had to remind myself once again. Why did I always get it wrong?

The two elder girls fell silent again and I could feel Mia pull on my hair with slightly more force than before.

"Can I be your handmaiden?" Joanna grinned up at me.

I put on a friendly smile as she watched me, waiting for an answer. "Aren't you a bit young?"

"You're not a proper Lady either!" Mia snapped. "You're also just going to be Janei's Handmaid!"

They started squabbling, but i tuned them out. I decided to find Bran this evening and talk him into some training. Or I'd just just train in my own if he was too busy with the Kingslayer. Being calm and collected al day was rather tiering and I really felt like swinging a sword again.. even if it was a blunted one.

"What is going on here?" the demanding tone of the septa interrupted the girls fighting and my thoughts. She studied us for a moment. "There will be supper soon, let's get you girls cleaned up"

More or less willingly the girls let off me and walked towards the septa, who held out her hand for Joanna to take it.
"Good grief, what have you done?" she sighed as she spotted my hair.
I raised my hand and got my finger tangled in a few knots.

"Do you expect the lady to go around looking like this?" she scolded as she let go of Joanna's hadn't and came stomping over to me instead.
"We were just practicing some braids!" Mia explained sheepishly.
The septa got hold of a few strands of my hair. 'Oh what a mess" she decided. "why did you let them do this to you my lady?" she half whined.
"Surely it can't be that bad" I waved aside. "I'll just brush it out" I shrugged.
"Oh but there isn't time, your all expected at supper" she sighed, grabbing my arm. "Come come, I'll try fixing this" with that she pulled me along as she herded the girls towards the castle.

Mia left to join her family and Joanna was given her supper in the septa's chambers. After dusting off Janei sat next to her, waiting for the septa to finish detangling my hair so that we could meet up with the rest of the Lannisters. I hissed as she pulled a few hairs from my scalp and the rough brush scraped across my skin.

"Oh forgive me my Lady, but you really shouldn't have let them play with your hair" she sighed.

I smiled at Janei, who was watching the scene with slight worry. "Oh that's alright" I assured. "I'm used to a few knots"

The septa gave a disapproving grunt. "We do things a little differently here in the south though" she insisted sternly. Her tone reminded me of our own septa. "And here little girls are not supposed to run around the castle all day, getting their dresses all dusty" her tone rose a bit as her words were clearly directed at the two girls, who hung their heads in shame.
I grinned at them with the septa behind me. This was not so different from the childhood I remembered.

Once the woman was finally satisfied with my hairdo, she ushered us out into the great dinning hall. Where to my dismay everyone was already waiting for us. I hated making a late entrance. Janei seemed equally embarrassed as she hurried over to her seat next to her mother, who mumbled something strict to her.

Muttering a quick 'good evening' I hurried to my own seat, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. An awkward silence had spread as a servant set a bowl of broth before me. As I inspected it, I noticed that the seat opposite me was empty.
"Where is the Kingslayer?" I asked before I could remember that I didn't really care.

Lord Kevan let out a deep sigh. "Jamie' was the name given to him, you'd do well to remember that" he growled unamused.

I bit my tongue, it had been an unfortunate slip up. I needed to choose my words more carefully.

"Where ever have you been that you are so late for supper?" Lady Dora asked. She was looking at her daughter, but her question was posed so loudly into the room that I knew she was indirectly speaking to me as well.

Jeyne stared into her bowl. "We were playing in the garden" she explained silently.

"Oh really?" Dora faked a fascinated tone. "And what were you playing that was so important to keep you from your supper?"

The blonde girl looked up to me, her eyes looking for support.
"The naming game" I joined in, causing the rets of the family to look at me.
Lady Dora send a concerned look to her husband, before turning back to me. "Naming game?"

"Yes" nodded, sitting up straighter. "Naming houses and their sigils or words, whoever gets the most right wins" sometimes I surprised myself with my ability to lie.

Lady Dora bought it as well. her features softened and she turned back to her plate. "Then I only hope my Janei was winning" she said with polite mockery.

I nodded, swallowing my first spoon full of supper. "She makes quite the competition" I assured with a friendly smile.

When I looked up though, I met Lord Kevan's disapproving look, causing me to almost sink back into my chair like a mole, scurrying back into its hole. He hated me, I was sure of it.

I ate in silence for the rest of the evening, keeping out of their family chit chatter, which was all dull affairs anyways, because they would never discuss anything of import in front of me.
Finally Lady Dora, took her children and lead them to bed, while I stayed behind with her husband, who had his folded hands under his chin, seemingly lost in thoughts.
Somehow I managed to gather enough courage to spark up another conversation.

"Where is Jamie?" the sun was already setting and there was still no sign of him. I couldn't care less about his fate, but he had taken Bron wherever he went and I had still wished to train with him before dark.

Lord Kevan clenched his jaw visibly, before he leaned back, placing his arms on the armrests of his chair.

"He left this morning"
I blinked din confusion. "Left? Where?"

"Kingslanding" he sighed. "His brother was caught and he wishes to attend the trial"

Something i could only define as relief washed over me. I felt almost liberated.

"I'm sorry, I'd thought he'd at least have the decency to tell you" his words sounded almost gentle, which took me a bit off guard.

I could only sake my head as I bit my lips, already imagining what I could do with my freedom. Nothing much really. I was still stuck in this castle, with people who hated me for my name and no one taking me seriously. But at least I wouldn't have to share my bed anymore and wouldn't have to worry about my 'husband' getting any vulgar ideas.

And thus a small portion of the weight on my shoulders seemed to have been lifted. 

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