II Chapter 33

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I arrived late to the great hall, with all the lords and knights already gathered to receive the Hightower host. I remained standing at the side of the hall, not daring to interrupt by walking up in front of everyone and take my seat. I came to join maester Lomys, slightly hidden behind a large pilar painted in twisting roses. my eyes scanned the Lords stood at the front of the hall, searching for familiar faces. 

A man clad in heavy pale plate rose from where he had knelt and look dup at his liege lord. I found myself confused to identify Ser Garth Hightower instead of his older brother Baelor. 

"I fear our numbers are less than we promised your grandmother" the knight spoke. "We had to leave a considerable amount behind as to not leave Oldtown completely unprotected"

"We charged Lord Redwyne to secure the Redwyne Straight so as to not leave Oldtown unprotected" the seneschal who shared his name spoke up from where he sat. 

"Which we are very grateful for, I assure you that, but surely you have all heard what happened to the shield islands" Garth Greysteel said loudly as to address every man inside the hall.

The crowd began to mumble in agreement. 

"What happened to the shield islands?" I asked the maester in a hushed tone. 

"Ironborn" he stated simply in a bitter tone. 

The seneschal cleared his throat to quiet down the hall before he spoke again. "And if every Lord thought as you had, we would be standing here with half an army" he spat. 

I could sense the anger from the Hightower night even from where I stood. before the man could defend himself however Willas spoke. 

"If your father thinks it necessary then we shall be grateful for the men he has sent us" the Lord decided. 

Ser Garth bowed gratefully his blonde bouncing past his chin as he did so. "Thank you my Lord. If It is any conciliation, the faith has mobilised a host under their new High Septon and will be joining our host within the week" he announced and the hall stirred louder than before. "Queen Cersei undid King Maegor's decree of banning the faith militant" he raised his voice to dominate the noise of the hall. "Let her have a taste of the Stars and Swords"

Cheers filled the hall and my chest swelled with the feeling that these were memorable points in history we were experiencing. 

When the reception had ended and the lords and knights started to scatter again, I slowly followed the Hightower men outside. I kept to the edge of the wall, not wanting to capture too much attention or be pulled into any sort of conversation. In the yard I found Garth bark orders at his men to have their host set up camp outside the castle walls and let the Tyrell servants show the captains their quarters in the outer bailey. Not far from him, and rolling up a large Hightower banner stood his younger brother next to his horse. 

I had always judged Ser Gunthor to be the more approachable of the two, not having forgotten that Ser Garth probably still thought of me as a fraud. So I decided it best to leave the older brother to ordering his men around and pose my questions at the younger one. 

"Ser Gunthor" I called out to him as he had his back turned to me. 

He turned at looked confused at first, but then his small eyes filled with recognition. "Lady Carliene" he greeted kindly as she stowed the rolled up banner on his horse. "I see Highgarden becomes you better than the sea" 

"Thank you" I gave a pleasant nod. "I hope your travels were pleasant" I decided on pleasantries instead of leading with my main questions. 

He shrugged and stretched his back. "As pleasant as days on horseback can be" 

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