II Chapter 81

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"Tollett, is it?" I guided Honour closer to the black brother's horse, studying the short man. He had insisted to ride back with us, determined to speak with Cersei in the name of the Night's Watch.

He gave me a look. The same look that men had been giving me for years. "Aye Ser"

The snow was falling gently now and the moon peaked through the thick clouds now and then, illuminating the white meadows in an eery light. It was bitterly cold and our breaths steamed in the air. Even though the snow could not have been deeper than a foot, many of our mounts had never seen such a thing before and struggled to make their way through and it was slow going for our party.

"And you are a Ranger?" I went on, not hiding it in my tone that I did not think too highly of his order. An order of criminals and outcasts. What was he? A murderer? A rapist? A thief? Or some bastard?

"Steward" he corrected me in a dry tone.

I raised a brow. "A steward? And you have seen these.. creatures" I demanded a little doubtful. 

He gave a simple nod, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. "With mine own eyes Ser" 

I did not know what to make of him. He seemed almost immune to my subtle agitations, so I decided to lay it on a little thicker. "It must be tough living in such a harsh environment" I began thoughtfully. "... with thieves and murderers and rapists" I glanced at him but he remained silent and his face unchanged. "I've heard the ice and cold can easily play tricks upon the mind" I pointed out innocently enough, but the accusation still struck.

"Are you a northerner?" he asked unsettlingly calmly. He looked at me shortly, not waiting for a reply as we both knew the answer. "Didn't think so" he turned to look back at the road. "So I don't imagine you are in any position to tell me what life at the Wall is like"

A small smirk formed on my lips, knowing that I had him. "Oh imagine it must be glorious, if so many kings can rise from your ranks" I pointed out. "Mance Raider. Jon Snow, quite odd for an order that carries vows of celibacy and servitude for life" 

Instead of being offended he only nodded. "Maybe when this is all done I'll take the time to explain it to you. And then you can explain to me how you became the Lord Commander of the Lannister forces and heir to your father after swearing yourself to the Kingsguard"

It was still night when we arrived in King's Landing, something I found rather agreeable as it meant that less of the smallfolk were about and we made it to the Red Keep without interruption and without causing a riot.

"Find him suitable rooms" I ordered a servant that approached us as we dismounted. 

Tollett frowned at me. "We should meet with the queen"

"It is the middle of the night" I retorted.

"We have no time to waste" he insisted and I sighed. 

I handed my reigns to a sleepy stable boy before turning back to the black brother. "If these creatures you talk of are real than they have been gone for - what - eight thousand years?" I told him in a snarky tone. "I think we have a few more hours to rest" with that I turned to head into the keep, leaving the servants and guards to deal with him.

I retired to my chambers. Struggling with my armour until Lewys arrived to help me out of it, yawning periodically and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 

Even though it was so late, sleep would not come easily to me. And when it did it was restless and filled with dreams I did not remember once waking again. Only in the early morning hours did I finally fall unconscious only to be awoken by someone roughly shaking me. 

Carliene StarkWhere stories live. Discover now