II Chapter 26

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"You requested to be notified when the Lords will be arriving" the small bent maester spoke as he stepped into my chambers. 

"Yes" I placed down the book I had been reading and got up to follow him. 

It was night by now and a couple of stars could be seen peaking through the thin clouds above. He lead me to the great hall, where Lord Willas was already sitting on the grassy throne, his crane leaning on the armrest to his left while he spoke to Ser Vortimer. There were a couple of smaller stools standing in the shadow go the great chair and it reminded me a bit of the throne room in King's Landing. 

They may have given up the title, but in their own rights they are still kings and queens here. 

The maester called Lomys, gestured to the stool at the far left fo the hall, seating himself in the one next to it which stood closer to the Lord. 

"... we don't know how far this traitorous seed has spread" Willas was saying a I sat down and pulled the thin scarf tighter around my shoulders. 

"I would not put it past Florent to choose the path of least resistance" the knight mumbled under his breath with the back to the hall.

"Well with the dragon queen, that side seems to be us for the moment" 

Vortimer's shoulders lifted shortly. "We've underestimated the lions before"

Maester Lomys cleared his throat, no doubt to hint at the fact that their guests would be arriving any moment. 

"Let's meet him first" Lord Willas offered reluctantly, pushing himself back in the chair. 

The knight nodded, placing h a hand on the white pommel of his sword as he walked to stand against the back wall of the hall. 

"You are not required to be here my Lady" Willas spoke up, turning his head to look my way. "It is already so late and you must be tired from all your travels"

He does not want me here, I somehow got the feeling that my presence was making him nervous. Surely he was still uncertain of his new role and title. I could hardly blame him for being apprehensive about have a stranger observing from the sidelines. But my own curiosity was stronger than my urge to make him more comfortable by leaving. 

"But I wish to be here" I spoke, trying to think for a decent reason to give him, but coming up with nothing that sounded wise enough to be spoken. 

Our silence was soon interrupted from loud voices and footsteps and the ringing of armour entering the hall. About two dozen men entered, lead by Lord Garth. At the very from was a broad shouldered man, with the red fox of Florent painted on the polished steel armour he wore. The helmet he carried took the shape of a snarling fox as well, with blue feathers at the top. Around him were other knight so his house, their shields bearing his coat of arms proudly. He walked with determination and pride, making it nearly impossible for the seneschal to keep up with him. 

"Willas" he called in a booming voice, not waiting to be announced.

"Lord Alekyne" the man on the old throne returned in a sharp tone, putting a special tone onto the word Lord

"It's bee a few years" the man had greying curls, speckled with the red of Florent. The colour was more prominent in his beard, which he kept trimmed to a point, making his long chin look even longer.

"It has. And a lot has transpired" 

"Indeed, last time we both still stood in the shadows of our great fathers" Lord Alekynes' was loud enough to address the entire hall. "And now they are ashes and here we stand"

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