II Chapter 72

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"Thank you for joining me my Lady" Lord Tyrion greeted me once I arrived in the small dusty room he was sat in. The walls were lined with disorganised shelves, with old books resting within them. "I know you may wish to rest after our long journey, but I fear there is something I need your help with"

I boded my head eagerly. "Anything, I am always glad to help" I truth I was just glad to be of some importance, whatever little it may be.

"I was hoping you would say that" the small Lord stated in relief as he filled a wine glass for me that I didn't not ask for. "I will be receiving the new High Septon shortly. I believe you have met him" he explained as he pushed the goblet across the rugged surface if the table, nearly spilling the content. 

"I did, they call him the Warrior" I recalled. And for some reason he reminds me a lot fo your father.

He took a sip and nodded. "Indeed" he gave a sigh as he placed his drink back. "Due to my sister's recent actions the Faith Militant has grown to be quite a considerable force. And because of my sisters crimes, it only seems natural that they would side with us in this dispute. However, the High Septon does not agree with the open nature with which our queen wishes to keep her faith" he tapped his short fingers on the table nervously. "He has demanded for her to banish the red priests and restore the Faith of the Seven to its former greatness" I could see how that was an inconvenience, but it also didn't much surprise me. These devoted people were very proud in their faith, it seemed only natural that they would fight for what they thought was right. It caused me to sigh internally. This would be a difficult dispute, i could not imagine this new High Septon to budge in his believes. "Unfortunately, Daenerys Targaryen has met many different people of many different believes in her time, and the Red Priests of the Red Temple have played a mayor role in her winning the people of the major cities across the narrow sea. So you can imagine that she is not too keen on sending them away"

I raised a knowing brow. "And you cannot convince the queen, so you hope to ease the High Septon's spirits?" I deduced. 

He swayed his head from side to side. "Something of the sort, apparently he is very taken with the story the people of Kings Landing tell of you. Some of them think of you as some kind of saint" 

That didn't sit right with me and I could feel my stomach flutter nervously. "What is it you want me to do?" I demanded.

He shrugged. "I don't know yet, maybe nothing, but I think it would be good for him to see that you are here and that you are of Daenerys' side"

I nodded sullenly. so I was either a peace offering or some display of strength. It did not take long for the leader of the Faith of the Seven to arrive. He was not wearing his crown, but his white armour was as polished as ever and the crystal on his chest sparkled even in the dull light that seeped through the grey clouds and through the small windows. He stood tall and broud, his face strict, but he managed a polite nod in my direction.

"Your High Holyness" the Lord Hand greeted, rising form his chair. "Can I interest you in a glass of the finest Arbour wine? We should toast on your appointment" he offered gesturing to his flagon.

The sexton's features did not soften. "I must decline my Lord. I have sworn off the lower pleasures" he told Tyrion before turning to me. "My Lady, it is a blessing to see you again"

"Thank you" surely not the most elegant way to respond, but I was already somewhat dreading the conversation to come. In all honestly I didn't much care for it. I felt, as always, there were bigger concerns.

"Please, take a seat. I imagine you know why I have called you here" Tyrion offered instead, sitting back down himself.

The large man folioed his lead, resting his arms on the surface in front of him. "No doubt to smooth out any discrepancies between the queen and the faith. You are her hand after all" he observed.

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