II Chapter 66

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The sky above King's Landing was grey and dreary. As grey as the smoke rising from the hills surrounding it. The dragon queen's host, I knew. They had arrived before our gates. I couldn't help but search these skies again and again, only waiting for the fiery death that would come to us from above. But there came now fire, no storm, no dragons. The army had not advanced all the way up to the city walls, which maybe should have concerned me rather than calm me. 

Lord Damon Marbrand stepped up beside me, staring at the harbour as well. "So..." he began in a dull tone, I still could not look upon him or be in his presence without feeling utterly guilty and devastated. I had send his only son and heir to his death. My own dear friend, one of the last I seemed to have left. "... the war has arrived before us" he noted, seeing the troops on the horizon. I could only nod. 

Although many of my company, including myself, were weary from our long journey by sea and by land, we were lead straight to the Great Hall after making it to the Red Keep. Although I had wished to be united with Cersei in a more private setting, I supposed there was a certain image she had to uphold. The throne room was filled with nobles. I recognised many sigils of Lord from the Crownlands, Stormlands, Westerlands and even the Riverlands, watching us as we approached. But most of my attention fell onto my sister. She sat the Iron Throne like she had been born to do so, in a gown of brilliant gold, roaring lions lunging at her breasts. A large crown rested upon her head, with roaring lions and rubies at the spikes. The magnificence of the piece seemed to make up for the loss of her beautiful golden locks. Beside her stood Qyburn, garbed all in black, as her master of whisperers. he may have been stripped of his maester chain, but he had gained done made up of intertwined golden hands. A sweetly smile was on his face, full of pride and pleasure, making me wonder what kind of games he might be playing in secret. 

On Cersei's other side stood Gregor Clegane, or whatever it was that Qyburn had made of him. A mountain of white armour and cloak, with a large helmet which covered almost all of his face. I would have been interested in who else my sister had chosen to replace the lost members of her kingsguard, but my attention quickly returned to the golden lioness on the throne. 

Father would have been so proud, a voice inside my head thought, while another objected: not if he had seen the state of the kingdom Cersei thinks she rules and by what means she does so.

Her green eyes glared at me as I reached the foot of the steps leading up to the throne, and the hall fell silent. There was a challenge in her gaze and something like discontent, and I did not quite understand. It took me a moment to read and understand the situation and the silence. Then I dropped my gaze and reluctantly sunk to one knee. "My queen" I greeted formally, my jaw clenching. It was simple court manners, why did it make my stomach twist so violently?

When I raised my eyes to her, her emotions were unchanged. "Welcome home Lord Commander" she responded. Her words were cold. She raised a pale hand and gestured to her left side, telling me to take my place amongst her court. There was still a lot I needed to talk to her about, but I knew that was better done in private, so I obeyed and took a stand between Aurane Waters and Lord Staedmon.

Qyburn stepped in front of the crowd to address all the new arrivals. "My Lords, my Ladies, you find yourself before Queen Cersei fo House Lannister, queen of the Andals and the First Men and Protector of the Realm" he announced, all while I watched my sisters expression. It was hard and determined, no unlike our father had been. "She welcomes you all to the Capital and offers her support and protection from the Targaryen girl, her army of savages and her fire breathing beasts" There was murmuring amongst the crowd and I noticed many worried and fearful faces. They were right to be afraid, I thought, thinking back to the burned soldier dying in his melted armour. "The queen will now be accepting swears of fealty and loyalty" the old man announced before stepping back. 

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