II Chapter 16

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Olenna was not alone as I was guided into her chambers at the very bottom of the orange tower. A woman was sitting at a rounded table with her, who looked to be in her forties with greying brown hair and intelligent dark eyes. 

"Gods be good, did you go running in you new dress?" the old woman commented when she saw me. "And look at your hair all frizzy" 

"The Lady took a walk on the balustrade to enjoy the view of the city" Ser Vortimer explained for me as I brushed a hand through my hair. 

A few stray strands had become loose but over all the braid had held. 

"Yes and what a city it is, ripe with plotting and filth"

She seemed to be in a great mood again. 

"Mother" the woman next to her urged a little outraged. 

I thought I knew then who she was and as I stepped closer I could see more of the similarities. Lady Redwyne was of short build just like her ageing mother, with high cheekbones and full breasts. There were wrinkles at the corner of her yes but even so she was pretty. 

This must mean that the Lord of the Arbour had also come to visit, leading me to suspect that a feast would not be the only thing held here at the tower.

"Well it is true isn't it. The fanatic septons on one side and the snobbish maesters on the other and in the midst of it all a Lord in a tower losing his mind" the old rose thundered on as Ser Vortimer silently excused himself from the chambers. 

I wished I could have gone with him. Instead I stepped closer to the table. "Lady Redwyne" I gave a polite curtsy. " A pleasure"

"Ah yes, my daughter Mina. This is the Stark girl who is to wed your nephew"

Once the war is over, I felt like adding, but that was no business of hers. 

Mina Redwyne grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "The pleasure is all mine I see they were not wrong about your beauty"


She then gave a frown to her mother. "I think the tousled look rather suits her, it depicts the true wildness of the north" she pointed out. 

Olenna rolled her eyes. "Nonsense. Elyn"

Her handmaiden pulled me aside to fix my hair.

"Are you planning on visiting the Sept then mother?" Mina turned to her mother. "I am sure the faith would be eager for an audience"

The old woman scoffed. "Sevens no. Trust me girl, I have had enough of these religious oafs for the time"

"Mother!" Lady Redwyne had a scolding tone. "They are a valuable ally" she then urged. "They have denounced Cersei Lannister as the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and have been building up their faith militant" 

That peaked my interest. That could prove useful. 

"And I am sure House Hightower knows just what to do with those" Olenna muttered before taking a sip from a silver cup. 

Her daughter did not seem pleased. "You have grown bitter" she noticed. "But this is not the time to lose faith" 

"Faith" she scoffed again. "Have I not raised you better than to cling to the false skirts of belief when hardship comes?"

I suddenly got the feeling that I did not want to be there anymore. I'd much rather listen to Ser Vortimer's teasing banter than whiteness this family feud. 

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