Chapter 61

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I stormed through the hallways, my gown blowing behind me, barking at every servant in earshot to tell me where their Lord was. Their information lead me to Kevan's office, which now I supposed belonged to Daven. Before I could pound on the double doors or burst through them, the two guards in front of them stopped me in my tracks, by crossing their spears in my path. 

"U're not s'posed to be here" one of them croaked in a thick accent. 

"I demand to see Lord Daven" I said with bared teeth. 

"He's busy my Lady" the other guard offered more politely.

I scoffed in disscontempt and frowned at him. For a moment I pondered coming back at a later time, but my anger burned too hot to be extinguished, so instead I ducked under their spears and pushed through the door. Ignoring their cry of protest and attempt to grab me. I stomped into the room to find the Lord seated at a round table in the corner of the room, along with Creylen and Ser Broom and two other men I did not recognise. They all stared at me in bewilderment.

Lord Daven gave me a disapproving glare before calling for his guards.

"How dare you put a hand on her?" I yelled at him as I could hear the guards rush in.

"Get her out of my sight" he ordered, his voice booming over mine.
I pulled against their grips as the two men got hold of me. "If you have a problem with me then tell me face to face and don't beat your wife for it!"

His green eyes burned with pure hatred. "Get her out of here!" He repeated. 

"You coward!" I spat struggling hard as the guards pulled me back towards the door. "She is just a girl!" In the corner of my eyes I could see maester Creylen put his head in his hands, while the other council members looked like they wanted to turn to stone in their seats.

One of the guards pressed his gloved hand over my mouth to silence me as they dragged me back outside. My heart was racing and for a moment I felt like I couldn't breathe. As the sun blinded me I decided to bite down, desperate for a breath of fresh air.

The guard cried out and pushed me away from him, causing me to stumble onto the dusty cobbled floor. 

"What now?" His companion questioned half annoyed. 

"The bitch bit me!" The first said as he pulled off his glove to look at the damage.
I coughed and pat the dust off my dress as I got up.

"Run along now" the unharmed guard gestured for me to leave. "And don't come back here or there will be some real trouble"

"Yeah" the other one agreed, flexing his hand after making sure there was no serious injury.

"You're serving a cruel man!" I hissed at them before walking away, just to have the last word.
I could hear them chuckle as I disappeared into the garden, balling my fists in anger. But the cut on my hand had healed completely, not even leaving a scar so I would find no relief in pain.

"Just breathe" I told myself as I climbed up to a balcony which faced out over the sea.

The sun was starting to set, causing the waves bellow to look like a pond of golden fish. I closed my eyes, letting the cold wind blow back my hair and the rush of the thundering waves far bellow fill my ears, mixing with the sound of the rushing blood in my ears. With a sigh I continued my walk, soon finding myself on the hidden platform where I had once trained with Bronn. How long ago that seemed now. The wind pulled at my dress as I watched the seagulls overhead. They were so free.

Just a few more steps and you can be free too, a voice deep down in me whispered. I stared at the edge, the void somehow calling to me. I had to almost giggle at how simple it would be. No one would know, they would all probably think I somehow managed to escape.

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