Chapter 40

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It was raining heavily when I woke, and continued to do so for the entire day. After an hour of traveling I was soaked through to the bone and my feet and fingers felt numb from the cold.

I didn't mind the rain though. It kept us quiet and gave me an excuse to have my hood drawn low, blocking my view of everything but the reigns and my horse's neck.

I still felt slightly sick from the night before, but more than that I felt pathetic. Embarrassed that I had let the commander's words get to me. I had always prided myself with being thick-skinned. I had no explanation for reacting so fragile. He didn't make any attempts of talking to me again, which I felt rather glad about.
Ser Euron tried offering me his coat a couple of times. Each time I told him that his was as drenched as mine and that a little rain never hurt anyone.
It was growing dark when we reached the rock. The rain had dulled down to a constant dribble, but the cobbled road had turned into a river of it's own. There was already a small group of more red cloaks waiting for us at the bottom gate, where they circled us and barked some orders of going this way and that. I didn't really listen, just let the heard of horses guide mine through the narrow streets.

I was trapped once more. Having left the wide open planes of the westerlands behind me. There was more shouting as we finally stopped in the yard before the castle. Shouting muffled by the rain and the wet hood of my cloak. Some red cloak helped me off my horse, though I might as well have said he just pulled me off. He didn't let go of my upper arm as I was ushered into the great hall, along with commander Vylarr. We stepped into the hall, treading mud and water on the polished floor. The light of the candles which were illuminating the buildings at this hour almost made the tapestries on the walls look alive.
Lord Kevan was waiting for us, his face a mixture of annoyance and anger. As we came closer I noticed his anger seemed mostly directed at me.

"Bring her to her room and have her cleaned up" he hissed at the guard who was still holding onto my arm.

The man pulled me up the stairs before I could protest. Looking over my shoulder I saw Lord Kevan and the Lord Commander leave into another direction. They were no doubt about to hold a lengthly meeting on the current affairs in Lannisport. I wanted to scream. I wanted to tear my arm from the guards grip. I wanted to be there. I was the one who lead to the discovery of the outbreak. This was all so unfair. They would lock me up and away again. Not taking me serious.
My anger was dulled by a deep feeling of fatigue. It was not just from lack of sleep and a day of riding and the possible cold I may have caught in the rain, but that my schemes had failed.

As the guard pulled me up the stairs to my chambers, I felt more and more pathetic. How did I ever think this was a good idea.

I was too tired to protest. Even when I realised that the guard was leading me, not to the rooms I had shared with the Kingslayer, but the smaller room I had been locked in before. I simply gritted my teeth at the sight of the carved door and let the red-cloak pull me inside.

There, a steaming tub of water was waiting for me, along with Iyris and the older woman, who's name I still hadn't bothered to find out. The sight wasn't unpleasant. I was shivering and had dreamt of a bath ever since Vylarrs vulgar remarks the night before.

"Get her washed" the guard growled, just for the sake of saying something as he let me go and turned to leave.

"M'Lady. We were so worried" Iyris exclaimed a little over exaggerated as she closed the distance between us and pulled the black cloak from my back.

The expression on the elder woman told a different story. But she held her tongue as always, simply pulling off my tunic rather harshly.

"It was a reckless thing to do" the younger girl continued. "The road is a dangerous place for a Lady" I felt myself wondering if she was somehow related to Ser Euron as she hung my damp clothes over a chair.

The elder woman gestured for me to get into the tub and I complied on shaky legs. The hot water burned my skin. Not because it was too hot, but because my legs were numb with cold. Sitting down I hissed as the water wrapped around my raw thighs. I should definitely ride more often.

"Is it too hot m'Lady?" Iyris questioned with worry.

I shook my head as I sunk down lower, letting the water creep up to my breasts. My toes and fingers burned as they warmed up again. The elder women waisted no time grabbing a brush and my arm to scrub it clean. I let her get on with it, leaning this way and that so she could reach my back and legs. It felt good to be clean again. And for a moment the thought of a soft bed let me forget all my troubles.
When my skin was pink like a piglet's, the old woman left, taking my traveling rags with her. I was sure never to see them again and once again I had to think back to my first arrival at the castle, when they had also burned whatever I was wearing.
Iyris went on to wash my hair, gently pouring warm water over my head and brushing the knots from it almost too carefully.

After some time of silence, in which I nearly drifted off, the young girl spoke carefully. "I wasn't sure you'd return m'Lady" she stated and the concern in her voice sounded almost genuine.

She's getting better, I noted. I stayed silent, keeping my eyes closed.

"Quite a daring thing" she added in a hushed voice, as if she didn't want someone to overhear. She sounded almost excited, like a little girl.
I was about to ask her why, when she continued: "Running off with your knight"

I frowned, inhaling to voice my distaste, but then I came to wonder where she had gotten the idea, as this didn't seem like the usual casual interrogations.
"Is that what they say about me?" I demanded instead, my voice taking on a slightly shrill tone.

I could tell the girl was shrugging even though she sat behind me. "They didn't tell me anything" she sounded almost like she was pouting. "I was told you left with Ser Euron and I just thought.." she made a suggestive pause, leaving it up to my imagination to fill the gaps. 

"Well don't" I snapped as she brushed through another knot. "Do you know how much trouble he could get into if such rumours spread?" I demanded. Foolish child, she was just a naive little girl after all. Reminding me very much of another little girl I knew, who revelled in gossip and tales of forbidden love. At least she used to.

I'll be safe here, Stannis won't hurt me.

Carliene StarkWhere stories live. Discover now