Chapter 58

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"You must be exhausted from your journey's, I'm sure you'd like to rest and freshen up" I gave Walda a friendly smile. "The servants will show you your quarters, if you wish I could give you a tour of the castle later"

The girls dark eyes light up and I could see hope grow within them, suddenly she looked far less tired. "Oh I'd like that" she said, gratitude already on her voice. 

I nodded as a servant led the trio away, the smile still lingering on my lips as I realised how ladylike I had just managed to behave. Mother would have been so proud. 

You've always been too selfish.

Maybe if I had tried harder, I could have ceded the distance that only grew over the years and I would have fonder memories of her. 

"We should get you out of these wet clothes my Lady"

I rolled my eyes at Brayla. "I'm with child, not sickly" I reminded her as we headed back to my chambers. 

"I'm just trying to keep you both in good health. I promised Lady Dorna I'd look after you"

I kept quiet. I had gotten to terms with the fact that I was with child, but hearing others acknowledge it so plainly still felt strange to me. The whole idea was strange. I could fathom the fact that there was another human being growing within me that would one day walk the earth, experiencing everything and making conscious decisions. It just didn't make sense to me.

"Do you know this Lord Daven?" I asked the midwife as she closed the door behind us.

"Can't say I do my lady, only by name. Today was the first time of meeting him for me as well"

I chewed on my lower lip as Irys helped me out of my wet garments. I was starting to regret that I hadn't asked Creylen more about what our new Lord was like. What he liked, what he disliked. I hoped that this time I could make a good first impression and actually be able to have an influence here. I was the lady of his lord after all, theoretically that should count for something.

An hour later I was leading Walda through the gardens, sharing what I had come to know about the castle grounds during my stay so far. I realised it was surprisingly little. I had spent most my time in the masters tower, in the main halls or in my chambers. So when the girl asked me about the dungeons and tunnels supposedly carved into the rock, I could not answer.

She had taken my arm quickly and now clung to it as if it were a lifeline in these strange waters. I had to try and hide my discomfort with such physical contact with a girl I barely knew and a Frey no less. As we passed the rows of rose bushes she suddenly stopped and gave a small gasp.

"Walda!" the younger of her handmaiden's rushed to her side with worry in her tone. 

"I'm fine, I'm fine" the girl assured, pressing a hand to her stomach. "He's kicking again" she announced, beaming up at me proudly. "Would you like to feel?"

I opened my mouth to kindly decline, but she had already pulled on my wrist and pressed my hand to her stomach. 

I could feel the movement underneath the fabric and felt myself relax a little. I gave her a friendly smile to share her happiness. "You know it's a boy?" I asked, pulling my hand free. 

"Maester says with the way she's carrying it's likely" the rounder handmaiden announced loudly.  

I threw her an annoyed glance, not appreciating her unprofessionalism but also not quite daring to address it directly. She wasn't my handmaiden after all.

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