II Chapter 76

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"What will you do with them?" I asked the Red Woman as we walked back towards the castle, glancing at the box she safely clutched in her hands.

The snow was still falling heavily, covering the paths and roads and laying a white blanket over every surface. I didn't even dare think about how the Dothraki and their horses may be faring under these conditions. Luckily I had other pressing matters to devote my attention to. Outside the red tent the air was clear and cold. And I felt like I could breathe and think more clearly again.

Melisandre held her head high, not a single snowflake landing on her auburn hair or her red bow or her ivory skin. "I told you already. We will-" she began in a strict tone but I interrupted her.

"Yes, but how? How will you convince the queen?" I demanded eagerly, my boot kicking up snow. "Do you make a potion? Does she have to eat them?" I grimaced slightly at the thought.

"We burn them" she stated simply. That would have been my next guess. "And the Lord will show the queen what she needs to see"

I brushed some snowflakes from the hood of my cape before turning to her as we walked. "And what is that?"

"Something similar that what you have seen I suppose" Moquorro spoke thoughtfully his hands folded as he walked. The snowflakes seemed to be avoiding him as well. Its as a very subtle thing, but I couldn't help but notice. Especially since I felt like I had to wipe my face every few steps to free my lashes and brows from gathering snow. 

"Is this dangerous?" I found myself asking. "For the queen I mean?"

Melisandre gave a sigh. "So many questions. You shouldn't worry so much dear child" she urged, but it only made me more frustrated with her, since she called me a child.

I had stopped being a child a very long time ago. But I did not correct her on it. Maybe we are all children to her, I though, remembering the vision of the ancient woman, wearing her cloak and necklace. 

"You should rest my Lady, I will take you to your room" Moquorro placed one of his large hands on my back and I thought I could feel the warmth of his touch even though the heavy cloak, the tunic and the bandages. 

I turned to him with urgency. "But I want to come with you, I want to see-"

"No" he interrupted me calm, yet firm. "You have done quite enough, it would be best for you to rest now"

"But I want- I need to see"

"It is best if you lay down" the Red Woman agreed. "The magic may take its toll"

I could feel the colour drain from my face as I slowed. "What?" I breathed. "But you never said-"

Moquorro quickly stopped and approached me, a reassuring smile on his large lips. "Nothing to worry about, my Lady" he spoke almost amused. "You will merely experience some fatigue. Which is why you should go lay down" he finished gently nudging me into the direction of the castle again. "Come"

I did not look at him, but stared at the priestess' back as she had already passed the gate and was heading for the main keep. I was suddenly not so sure about this anymore. Reluctantly, I let the priest guide me to the building that I resided in. 

Seeing my hesitance he began to speak to me in a calming manner. "I know you are as passionate about this as we are, but it won't be anything you haven't seen before, I promise you" he assured me, no doubt referring to the vision Melisandre was planning on creating.. "Is there anyone I can call for you?"

I gave him a concerned look. "What do you mean?" What exactly would this do to me?

He gave an innocent shrug. "If you don't want to be alone, I could send someone to come check on you" he elaborated.

Carliene StarkWhere stories live. Discover now