Chapter 45

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"How did the sickness reach the castle?" I asked carefully picking up my silver spoon. 

Dorna shrugged. "I am not quite certain"

I nodded placing a spoonful of creamy stew in my mouth, feeling my tastebuds explode. I couldn't remember having ever tasted anything as rich in flavour as that onion stew. Whoever this cook was that Lady Dorna had, I wanted him to be the only one to cook for me.

"I leave these sort of affairs to my husband" she added, I couldn't quite tell if she was embarrassed or proud. "As should you" she added in a stricter tone. 

Here we go. I knew this couldn't have been just a friendly invite with no motives behind it. Someone was to keep me in check and Dorna was trying her hand at it.

Of course I could have told her that my husband wasn't here and that if I had listened to her husband the whole city of Lannisport would have seen its doom by now and we might all be infected by now. But for the sake of not isolating myself again completely I shut my mouth. Dorna was a sheep. And sheep made for good companions because you always knew what you had to expect of them.

"I've just been so terribly alone ever since I got here" I started, my voice a bit more desperate than I actually was. "I'm in a place I have never been before, surrounded by people who probably want me dead, with no one to talk to-" I broke myself off, breathing heavily to seem more upset than I was. 

Dorna studier me and for a moment I feared I had underestimated her and that she wasn't a sheep after all. "I understand" she finally said in a soft voice. "But no harm will come to you here my child" she assured. 

Yes as long as it is just you here on the rock, but just wait until Tywin and his son get back.

"I was once in your place you know" she started. "A young girl sent to the rock to marry a lord I had barely met before. I knew no one and was isolated" she placed her spoon down and folded her hands as if in prayer. "But I trusted my husband and I trusted that the gods had plans for me, so I was loyal and I found my place here. This is my family now and I wouldn't want to have it any other way"

I listened patiently, all the wile concentrating on silently swallowing the water that gathered in my mouth, who was begging for more stew. 

"You are not alone here. You are very welcome to come talk to me or join me and Janei in prayer in the morning. Prayer helps" she nodded to me encouragingly as she said that. 

I noticed two things then. One: That her daughters name was Janei and not Jeyne and that I had mixed it up again. And two: that Lady Dorna probably placed far too much faith in goods than was healthy. Telling her that I did not believe in the gods or at least not in her seven, probably wouldn't put me in her favour.

"That is good to know, I'm glad to hear that and I would am truly grateful for such offers" the words nearly made me gag, as I hoped I hadn't exaggerated with the niceties.

We turned back to our soups and a small shimmer of hope sprouted in my guts. I was on the right path again, I would claw my way into their good graces and then find out how I could use them to my advantage. For a moment I almost dared ask what ever happened to Ser Euros and Walter, but then I remembered the outrageous rumour Iris had told me about. About people thinking that we were involved with each other. So I though it better to keep still and eat my stew red-faced.

"I hope you find everything tonight to your taste" Dorna spoke up to make conversation as the servants removed the empty bowls.

"Oh it is most wonderful, you must give me the name of your cook" I had really liked the bowls to be a little bigger as I still felt like I had a hole in the place where my stomach ought to be.

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