Chapter 65

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The little Lady was clearly shaken up, barely allowing me to leave the room while the maids bathed her and put her in a more presentable state. I had to smile to myself, a fews years ago, I would not have thought twice about taking a woman's distress for granted. But I had found decency more important than opportunism.
Instead I left two guard at her door, ones I knew personally and headed out to fetch the maester. The last thing we needed now was another tragedy like we had with the castellan's wife.

"This is a dangerous game you are playing Smallwood" the fat man commented as we walked back to the Lady's chambers. 

I sighed. "Believe it or not, I might be the only person on this rock not playing games" I squinted my eyes at the bright sun. I was developing a headache again and once again I could not tell if it came from my injured face or from the fact that I had been staying away from wine of late. "I am not clever enough for them"

"Even so.." He continued. ".. Going up against the castellan like that.." He trailed off briefly. "You know he has a temper"

I nodded in agreement. "And I for one, don't like witnessing him letting his temper out on the women"

"He is still our castellan" the fat man urged with a bite of strictness in his voice that only came to a man who spent a lot of his life teaching the children of men of power. 

I shrugged. "Lord Kevan hired me, I like to tell myself he would have wanted me to intervene"

He chewed on these words for a wile, before replying with more annoyance. "You should have refrained from getting physical" he advised. "Surely this has only made him more angry, you may still need to pay for humiliating him like that"

I huffed. "Trust me, I know men like him. A good beating is about the only thing that will set his sort straight"

Another silence followed, in which the maester send nervous glances at the guards we passed. "The girl ..." started up again carefully. "She needs to control her temper"

I squeezed my right thumb in my fist, trying to ignore my thirst for wine. "At least her outburst are honest" I shrugged. "I can't do with these highborns and their false manners" I admitted with a shake of my head. "I'd much rather like to be shouted at than silently disliked and plotted agains"

Creylen chuckled unamused. "Yes everyone prefers the dagger at their throats to the poison in their lips"

I had nothing to reply to that. Not being a man of any kind of education I had no use for fancy phrases and hidden meanings. 

"Smallwood" he stopped me before we reached the Lady's chambers. "You need to be careful" he stated looking around suspiciously. "I fear you might be in danger if continuing to defy the castellan" he urged in a hushed tone. 

I couldn't help but smirk. "I'm touched to have earned your concern, but I have served larger men all my life, I am done cowering before them"

I considered the conversation to be over and lead us the rest of the way and nocked on the door to the Lady's chambers. Iyris opened and leading us into the rooms that smelled of warm water and scented oils after announcing us. The girl sat in a chair, giving a rather sorry sight. Even though she wore fresh clothes and her hair was brushed out she looked tired and agitated, with bags underneath her eyes and a bent posture. I stood myself next to the door, changing into the role of silent observer and trying not to stare at the brass jug on the table. 

"How are you child?" The fat man inquired as he approached the girl and took hold of one of her hands. 

She didn't respond at first, clearly thinking about ignoring him. But then she frowned up at him and pulled her hand from his grip. "Well enough" she answered in a snappy tone. "Shouldn't you concern yourself with Walda and her child?"

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