Chapter 10

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"Wait my Lady" I desperately called after the girl as I followed her down another flight of steps. The shewolf somehow had her head set on having a look at the city surrounding Casterly Rock and against all my warnings she stubbornly ordered a stableboy to saddle a horse for her so she could go. 

"I am your Lady now and you will do as I say" she had snapped when I tried to stop her. So I had seen no other option but to accompany her and do my best to lead her back to the castle as quickly as possible. On our way I had only managed to gather four other guards to accompany us. She'll get me into so much trouble, I thought bitterly as we descended the twisting road.

She stopped at a large inn, insisting we leave the horses there and continue on foot. Now we were striding through the streets, the guards struggling to keep up in their heavy arms. 

"Lady Carliene" I called again as she escaped my sight, turning another corner. The anger burning up inside me I caught up to her and caught her by the arm to stop her. 

She winced as my fingers closed around her bandage. "Stop this now" I demanded letting go in surprise. "We shouldn't be here" I said looking around nervously. As the sun rose higher the streets filled with more and more people, staring us with hateful eyes. She was too obvious. Too easily recognisable. We should have taken a litter, I realised cursing myself for only thinking of it now. 

"If I am to rule a land, I wish to see it and its people" she hissed back, turning around again to continue. 

You won't rule anything you stupid girl, I thought angrily as I caught up to her. 

"Besides, I never took you to be so boringly set on the rules" she added. 

"I do not wish to get in trouble again because of you" I said still looking around nervously as the crowd around us seemed to grow. The people now came deliberately at us to have a look at the northern girl. 

"You won't..." she trailed off unsure as she slowed her pace, also taking notice of the crowd a peasants that had gathered around us. 

"Stay back" I ordered loudly as the four guards surrounded us, their hands on the hilts of their swords. The people did not budge, I was expecting insults and turmoil from them but they just stood there silently, staring at the Stark girl. That behaviour caused more unease in me that a screaming crowd would. 

The silence was suddenly interrupted by a wet thud and a loud gasp as Lady Carliene flinched beside me. I saw the wet horse dung roll over the stony street before I realised what had happened. "Who did that?" I demanded loudly, more out of reflex than curiosity. I turned toward the girl who was scraping the manure from her cheek and looking around in shock. The crowd seemed to be stirred back to life as the muttered and mumbled to each other in surprise. A small uproar was heard as one of the guards pulled a boy out of the masses. He did not look older that one and ten, with a mixture of guilt and anger written across his face. 

Lady Carliene just stared at him, seemingly still not grasping what had happened. "That is your Lady you just assaulted" I said as the boy was brought before me. "Wife to your Lord" 

The lad did not seem intimidated. "She's a wolf" he yelled, earning a greeting cheers from the people watching. 

"Right" I muttered, he was brave for every bit he was stupid "Give me his arm". A second guard pulled out the boys hand and pushed up his sleeve as I drew my sword. In sudden realisation the boy started to squirm and cry, causing shouts of protest to arise from the people, but no one tried to interfere as I had feared. I raised my sword, glad I was not able to have breakfast this morning as my stomach turned sour.

"Stop!" I looked at the Stark girl and lowered my arm. "Are you honestly going to chop this boys arm off" she said shaking her head in disbelief. 

"He disrespected you, he must be punished" I insisted, irritated. The crowd had fallen silent again, the boy stared up at her in slight surprise. 

"He's a child" she pointed out. "You are not going to cripple him I forbid it" she ordered sternly.

I frowned at her for a moment. I had imagined this job a whole lot easier. Nodding to the guards I sheathed my sword and the boy was allowed to keep his arm. He quickly pressed the limb to his side, as if afraid the Lady would still change her mind. 

"What is your name?" the girl bend down to him, no anger in her tone. 

The boy stared at his feet, his cheeks flushing red. 

"The Lady has asked you a question" the guard who was still holding him urged, giving him a small shake. 

"Donel" the lad muttered. 

"Nice to meet you Donel" she nodded giving him a kind smile. "Why did you throw this at me" she questioned pointing to her cheek. 

The boy stayed silent. Just when the guard was about to shove him again an elderly lady stepped out from the crowd. "His father perished in the war against the young wolf" she explained in a raspy voice. "Leaving him orphaned and living on the street" 

Carliene stood up straight looking at the old women. 

"He was a simple farmer, raising swine" she went on. "The wolves probably liked the taste of him" the boy sniffled, giving the old woman a frown as she stepped closer. "He like so may of us have lost loved ones because of your family" she finished putting an arm around the boy. 

The shewolf looked around, her gaze trailing over the many hard faces. 

"It is an ill affair to wed a wolf and lion" the woman's tone turned sour as she stared at the girl with sudden fury. "Your offspring will be crippled beasts to prowl these streets and feast upon our children" the crowd started muttering as Lady Carliene stepped back in surprise. The crone spat at her feet, earning herself a punch from the guard next to her, causing the whole situation to explode. The crowd roared up in protest as the old women fell to the stony streets. The shouting peasants pushed and shoved closer, the threatening circle around uni tightening. The guards unscathed their swords and tried to hold them back, but there were far too many. More dung and stones came flying as the shewolf looked around in panic, realising we were trapped. 

"Get behind me" I urged as I held out my sword at a group of screaming men, lashing out but not daring to come closer. A woman screamed loudly to my side and a quick glance showed me that one of the guards had cut down a man, painting the road in bright red. I made a short prayer to the warrior as the chaos spread. A man stepped towards me, only to jump back as I swung my sword. 

The loud thunder of hooves caused the shouting to spread. The crowned parted as a group of riders galloped towards us from up the road. I thanked the gods for answering my prayers, the Lannister guards on horseback quickly herding the peasants away from us. 

"My Lady" Ser Jamie stopped next to us on a pale white destrier and held out his hand. To my surprise she did not protest and grabbed onto the saddle to mount up behind him. I helped the shaking girl up, my eyes meeting with my new Lord's. "Bring the guards and the horses you took back to the castle" he ordered cold as he turns dos horse around and trotted back up the road with most of his gold-cloaks. 

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