Chapter Sixty Eight

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When we were on the plane ride home, I couldn't even sleep at the thought of Kamaria being pregnant.

I was really about to be a dad. I was so curious. If it would be a boy or a girl. If the baby would look like me...or maybe their beautiful mother. Maybe even one of our parents.

Everyone was asleep. I just kept thinking about the future.

Speaking of the future, Kamaria and I still needed to actually have a wedding. I didn't know if she would want to wait until after the baby is born or if she wanted one before she started showing?

I never thought I'd even get to this point in life but here I was, daydreaming about my future family.

I saw Kamaria laying on my chest and I was just over the moon. The mother of my child.

"Stop staring at me," she smiles.

"So you're not asleep?"

She gets up off my chest and stretches. "I was asleep. But you keep shifting. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm just...excited," I kiss her forehead. "Excited for you to be my wife and the mother of my child."

She gives me a sleepy smile and then it soon turns into a worried expression.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm just tired," she lies.

"You know better than to lie to me Kamaria," I shake my head. "I know you better than you realize."

"Okay fine...there's something else the hospital said."

"Yeah, what?"

"She said the blood test showed some possible signs of...," she lingers.


"Complications," she fiddles with her fingers. "She said I should go get another appointment as soon as I get home so they can examine further."

"Did she say what kind of complications?"

"No...she just said that they found some hormonal imbalances which is why they didn't know I was pregnant the first time I got tested," she sighs. "And that I should just make sure everything is okay."

"Okay," I wrap my arm around her. "You'll be okay."

She didn't say anything, just fell back asleep in my chest. I didn't wanna panick so that she wouldn't panick but I was scared.

I just didn't want anything bad to happen to her or my child.


When I woke up, I found myself in the car.

"The fuck?" I mumble to myself.

"Sleeping beauty is awake now," Aubrey smiles.

"Where are my parents?"

"Dropped them at the were tired so we didn't wanna wake you up."

"Oh," I lay my head in my hand and stare out the window.

I saw lines on my cheek in the side mirror of the car. Damn I slept.

"I'm gonna go into work this morning. Just check up on some things. But you should probably stay home," Aubrey says.

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