Chapter Forty Two

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The week off work finally passed and we started work today.

Aubrey had been acting weird the entire week though. After he came home from his run, he just seemed off.

I had to go back home though to focus on my homework so I let him shake whatever emotions he was going through off. I mean there was a fire in his building so I understood

I got to work and saw Kayla at the front desk. She ran up to me and gave me the tightest hug. "Girl congratulations," she kisses my cheek.

"On what?"

"I know that vacation definitely resulted in either an engagement or a pregnancy," she winked.

"Oh my God," I roll my eyes. "I'm not engaged."

"Oh so you're pregnant," she pokes my tummy and I give her a look. "Oh girl are you sure you want a baby now though? Those abs are solid."

I laugh and punch in. "We use protection Kayla."

She shrugs. "Isaiah and I just f—," before she can finish, Bria walks in.

"Oh my God Kamaria you're back," she smirks. "The office really missed you. Shit it caught on fire without you."

"Yeah I heard," I smile and try not to murder her. "You doing good?"

"Yep? How about you?"

"I'm perfect," she struts back.

"I'm so glad you're here. I wanted to kill that bitch. If it wasn't for Darius, I would've locked her in the fire," Kayla mumbles.

Dear lord, it looks like a lot happened when I was gone.

"I need to feed you some office Drama though," Kayla starts. "I think Bria might leave your man alone. Her and Darius been getting close."

"Tell me more," I laugh.


I was walking past Aubrey's office when he actually calls for me to come in.

"Bria can you come in please," he mumbles. I walk in. "Close the door."

Maybe we are finally getting somewhere.

"I wanted to talk to you about this whole pregnancy thing," he mumbles lowly.

"Yes," I smile. "I-um do you plan on keeping it?"

I frown. "Why?"

"No no I's your choice what you wanna do. I just wanna be aware of your choice in case  it's mine."

I cross my arms. "Aubrey it's yours. You know that I liked you a lot. So when you went for Kamaria, I was heart broken. I haven't had sex with anyone after you and I know this isn't ideal for you and your girlfriend but it isn't ideal for me either," I tell him.

Lying through my teeth wasn't all that difficult. I just needed to figure out how to pull off being as pregnant as I said I was...maybe if I have a baby prematurely?

"I know," his voice cracks. "I just want to understand the situation. It's all very new to  me."

"I know Aubrey...don't worry I'll try to keep out of you and Kamaria's way. I just want our baby to be born healthy and—," I get cut off by the door opening.

It's Kayla.

It was obvious Aubrey hadn't brought up the pregnancy possibility to Kamaria cause his eyes were wide as hell when Kayla walked in.

"Sir here's the papers you wanted," I can hear the anger through her teeth.

"Excuse me," Aubrey says and chases Kayla out the office.

This is too fucking good.


I rush out of his office, only to feel Aubrey's arm reach out and stop me.

"Kayla—," I shove him off. "Aubrey I've been working for you for too fucking long to see you throw this away."

"I'm not throwing anything away Kayla you don't understand," he pleads.

I was so angry I could start another fire in this bitch. How could he get Bria pregnant? It makes sense now...why else would he have hired her.

They need financial stability.

"So you were just gonna string Kamaria along? When were you gonna tell her? When the baby was five years old and in preschool?"

He looks stressed. "Please don't tell her I'm not even sure it's mine okay. I wanna tell her myself."

"So there's a possibility then? Aubrey fuck you. Fire me if you want. But I thought you'd stop with these groupies and finally see what's in front of you....guess not," I walk away from him.

Kamaria is the type of girl everyone wants to be like. Both inside and out and she literally turned down Daniel for this stupid fuckboy.

And I pushed her towards him. I'm such a terrible friend.

I'd feel even more shitty not telling her. I look at the time and it was lunch break.

Maybe I'd just skip it so I could avoid her.

"Kayla," I see Kamaria coming my direction. Shit shit shit.

"Oh heyyy Kamaria," I play with my hair when I'm nervous. "I'm actually not that hungry right now."

Kamaria shrugs. "That's fine we can just have a drink and get back to work. Did you give Mr. Graham the papers?"

His name was setting me off. "Yep."

"Alright let's go," she brings me downstairs and outside. We were gonna stop at the cafe across the street for a drink.

"Oh my God Look at that couple," she points out. It was a couple who was expecting. The mom has a huge belly. "That's so cute. Maybe you and Isaiah will have kids and Aubrey and I will have a family one day too," she laughs.

Lord give me strength.

We walk into the cafe and order. I couldn't relax myself though. It was eating me up actually.

"Kayla are you alright?" Before I can answer, her number is called to get her smoothie.

"Kamaria," I sigh.


"Aubrey got Bria pregnant."

I look at her and the drink falls out of her hand.

This is not good at all.

Well Kamaria knows now. What is she going to do?
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