Chapter Fifty Five

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I wasn't sure what they had talked about and it wasn't my place to ask exactly. I guess it was my turn to talk to my dad.

"So how have you been?" I asked.

He shrugs. "It's been alright."

I felt as though this conversation was too casual for a father and daughter meeting up for the first time in over twenty years.

"Can I ask why you and mom lost contact." My mom looked at me and so did he.

"That's a good question," he sighs. "Things weren't easy you know...and I'm not sure what answer to give you."

I felt as though someone was hiding something. "Well?"

My mom coughs and decides to answer. "We did keep in contact but it was difficult. Time differences and schedules being busy. Your dad had to start from scratch with his life," she explains. "It was when I changed my phone number that we stopped being in contact."

"Why wouldn't you just call him then. You had his number?"

Nobody said anything. Then I remember my mom giving me his number to begin with for my birthday.

"Where did you get Anderson's number to give to me on my birthday?"

She didn't say anything. "Mom."

"I always had it."

Before I can get a word in, she starts crying. "I'm sorry Kamaria I didn't do it to hurt you."


I look at Anderson. "I'm twenty four years old and I think someone can explain why I couldn't at least talk to my own father over the phone?"

"Your mother and I stayed in contact for as long as we could. But it started to get difficult on both our parts. We didn't know if we'd see each other," he sighs. I can hear my mom sniffling in the back.

"I gave up," she says faintly. "And I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that to either of you," she says. "I told Anderson I couldn't do it anymore and I got a new number."

I get up. "Okay," I just go outside and I hear footsteps following. I forgot Aubrey was still there.

"Hey," he whispers softly. We get outside and he hugs me from behind. "I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry," I tell her. The situation that had blown up was....a lot to watch.

I knew my family was fucked up. I guess every family has a unique fuck up somewhere in its history.

I felt bad for her and her mom and Anderson. I don't blame anyone for how they feel or what they did. It's a lot to raise a kid alone and it's a lot to be miles from your family. It's a lot to be without a dad as well.

I didn't know what to do or say because it wasn't my family. But they had become almost that and I couldn't watch them all be so sad.

"What's on your mind beautiful," I kiss her cheek.

"I don't even know anymore," she sighs. "I feel bad. I don't wanna be mad at my mom. They didn't ask to be separated to begin with."

"I know don't beat yourself up for it," I smile. She smiles back. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you," She smiles. "Thank you."

"Thank you," I kiss her.

"For what?"

I laugh. "You'll find out sooner or later. Let's head back in."

She nods and we go back. I see Anderson comforting Kamaria's mom.

"Hey guys look," Kamaria says. "We have all the time in the world now. No need to dwell on the past. It won't help us," she says. "I want to get to know you," she tells Anderson. "And I want to know the kind of person my mom is with you."

Everyone had a smile on their faces. "That sounds good with me," Anderson says.

"Alright," Kamaria says. "How do we feel about the beach?"

"You don't come to the República Dominicana without checking out the beaches," Anderson chuckles.

"Alright I'll make room in the car," Kamaria says. With Kamaria leaving, I use this as my chance to speak to Anderson.

"How are you doing?" He asks me.

"I'm good how are you?"

He smiles. "I'm good're her husband?"

I feel my face go hot. "That's what I wanted to ask you about actually."

He lifts and eyebrow and looks at Kamaria's mom. "You know about this?"

She nods. "He wanted to ask you though."


I cough before I speak. "Sir, I know you haven't had the fortune of Kamaria gracing your presence like she has mine," I tell him. "But nonetheless, I know she wants you in her life...I know that you want to be in her life. I don't want to other you just because of an opportunity robbed from you," I explain.

He gives me a smile and opens his arms. "I appreciate that," he gives me a pat on the back. "And I don't know you too well but I trust that if you've been taking care of her while I was absent, you will continue to do it when I'm here," he says.

I sigh in relief. "But don't think that I'm not watching you Jevo," he laughs. "Let's go to the beach?"

I nod and sigh. I had 2/3 of my plan complete. I was most nervous for the last part.

Would this girl actually marry me?

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