Chapter Fifty Eight

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Why is the universe against my fucking happiness.

I feel myself losing my mind. I start grabbing bottles and drinking. I don't even know what I grabbed.


I was losing everything . I slump down on the floor and put my hands in my face.

"Aubrey," I hear Kamaria's voice.

"You're still here?"

She nods and sits down next to me and takes the bottle from my hand and takes a sip. "Calm down."

I try my best to relax. It's not hard when she's with me.

"I just want to be happy with you Kamaria," he says. "But there's always something preventing that."

"Maybe...we just need to take our time," Kamaria says.

Maybe. But I thought I was moving in the right direction.

*Flashback starts*


I look over and see my ex fiancé. Yes, my ex fiancé.

I never talked about this because it was too painful to think about. Too painful to even remember in all honestly.

She left me.

And now she's here...when I try to move on with my life.

"Wow," she laughs. "Long time no see."

"Can't you see that I'm in the middle of something," I said in annoyance.

"We were also in the middle of something," she puts her hand on the table.

"Yeah and you left."

She looked at me, hurt. "Aubrey I'm sor—," I cut her off.

"No you're not sorry. If you were sorry you'd leave me alone. I've moved on. I've established an important connection with someone and now you want to come back?"

"I was trying to contact you before but I—," I stop her.

"Why? Cause I'm a big CEO now?"

She doesn't say anything.

"Let's go," I pay for the food. Kamaria doesn't say anything and we walk to the car.

"Hey," I look at her. "Listen I dont—," she cuts me off.

"Ex Fiancé?"

I didn't say anything.

"You know I understand that we have a hard time communicating things with each other. But I thought I at least deserved to know you were once about to get married," she says.

I don't have a response for her. I really dont.

"Maybe we shouldn't get married," she whispers.

My heart stops. "Kamaria please," I start to feel lightheaded. "I'm sorry I never told you but this doesn't change anything I promise you."

"I know that it doesn't," she said. "But maybe...we don't know each other as well as we thought."

I rest my head against the steering wheel, not sure what to make of what just happened. "Fuck," I mumble to myself. I start the car and drive home, trying to keep my composure.

Everything that could've went wrong did and worst.

*flashback ends*

Now both of us were sitting on the floor, drinking.

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