Chapter Forty Four

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After work, I pull up to Kamaria's place. I hope she'll let me explain.

I couldn't believe how quickly my life was falling apart in a matter of seconds. I couldn't do any of this without her though. I'd rather lose everything man.

I knock on her door several times until she opened. Hey eyes were red and the bags underneath them were heavy.

I never wanted to be the reason she felt like this. But I was.

I was the reason.

"Kamaria can I please come in?"

She moves over and lets me in. I was surprised she ain't give me a hard time. She looked dead inside and it was breaking me into pieces. I didn't know what she thought or what Kayla said but I had to explain.

"Kamaria listen," I start. "First off, I never cheated on you."

She crosses her arms. "So how did she get pregnant."

"I wish I knew I—," I breathe. "She told me she's about three or four months along. Which fits the timeline from the last time we hooked up."

She nods and then looks at the floor. "Alright."

"Alright? Kamaria I didn't ask for this anymore than you. I don't even know if it's mine yet."

"Well if the baby is yours, you have to step up and take care of him or her. That's priority."

"What about us?"

She looks at me with heavy eyes. Heavily broken eyes and a destroyed soul and I knew it was my fault.

"Maybe we should chill out a bit or sum," she mumbles. "Just until the situation clears over for you...if it does."

I shake my head. "No no no you don't understand. I need you here with me Kamaria. Please take the car back and please come home with me," I beg. "I never wanted Bria ever. I'll drop everything for you in a heart beat, you have to know that."

She doesn't say anything. Despite how tired she was and emotionally drained...she still looked beautiful.

She still made my heart flutter and I still was in love with her and I know I always will be. But this was all about to come to an end.

I could feel it.

"Aubrey I'm always going to support you okay. Always. But I think we should take a break. Just until you give me an update on the situation," she sighs.

I didn't wanna push her anymore. I turned around and left. "Wait," I pull the keys out my pocket. "Can you at least take the car back."

She looks hesitant. "You need to get home Aubrey."

"I'll walk."

She started laughing at me. It was nice to see her bright and beautiful smile again.

"Okay but let me just drop you home," she goes and grabs her shoes and we get in the car to go home.

It was awkward to say the least.

"So um...any update on the building?"

I completely forgot about the building fire to be honest. It wasn't Bria apparently so now I didn't know what to think.

"Oh yeah we are gonna hold an investigation and figure it out hopefully," I mumble. "Did you ever tell your mom about your dad?"

"Y-Yeah I did. Hopefully she'll reach out to him."

I silently nod and she pulls up to my house. "Thank you."

"Sleep well."

"I can't do that without you."

She looks at me and sighs. "Aubrey I don't wanna do this right now."

"I'm sorry," I try to get myself together. "Goodnight Kamaria."

"Goodnight Aubrey," she drives off.


Part of me was relieved to know he didn't cheat on me. Part of me knew he didn't because it wouldn't have made sense. We were always together. He was always annoyed by Bria's presence.

Maybe I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions so quickly and I feel terrible about that.

But there was so much not adding up. There was no way he got Bria pregnant. It just didn't make sense.

My doubts and trust were wavering and I needed this DNA test to confirm everything. But there was the possibility it was his baby, and if it was...

What then? What do you do then?

I wanted to turn around and tell him how much I loved him and how much I needed him.

But I'm just so scared. I'm used to just being by myself. My mom and I. And nothing was the same old pattern.

Now all these new people were entering my life and things were different.

I wasn't used to all this drama. Pregnancy and exotic trips and jealous ex's . That's not something I was anticipating.

I finally arrive home and get into my bed. Maybe I should call my mom for help? Or maybe Kayla.

I found myself not calling either of them. But someone I never thought I'd call.

"Hello? Kamaria it's late," he chuckles. "You good?"

"Yeah I...," Maybe this was a terrible idea. "Can I ask you advice?"

"Yeah what's up?"

"What would you do if you were with a girl and you found out she was pregnant...but from her ex boyfriend. Like she didn't cheat on you but she's a couple months from her last relationship."

"Kamaria, are you talking about Bria?"

He knew? "Daniel how did you hear about that?"

"Everyone knows. Bria won't shut up about it," Daniel sighs. "First, how are you doing?"

"I don't know anymore. I don't feel anything, I just look stupid."

"You don't look stupid," he assured me. "If I really loved the girl I'd stay. There's no obligation to stay though. And your partner has to understand that because you didn't sign up for a kid and a baby mama. But if you think you're strong enough, which i know you are, you can keep a healthy relationship with Aubrey," he tells me.

"Thank you Daniel," I smile. He always had the right answers.

"But Kamaria," Daniel sighs. "There's something I should tell you. But not now. Maybe tomorrow?"

I was stunned by his words. Something he has to tell me?

"Oh? Yeah okay that's fine. Maybe after work we can go get food?"

"Yeah that sounds good. I'll talk to you then," he says. "Goodnight."


I hang up the phone and take some melatonin. Hopefully I can get some sleep before the awkwardness of work tomorrow.

A lot just unfolded. What would you do if you were Kamaria?
What does Daniel have to tell her?
Keep reading to find out 👑
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