Chapter Sixty Nine

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"Are you ready to go?"

I look up from my desk and see Aubrey patiently waiting.

"Yeah give me a minute," I send the email I was typing and close my laptop.

I had an appointment I needed to go to today to see what was going on.

"Alright Kayla we will be back," Aubrey hands her a big yellow envelope. "Mr. Bezos might be calling in today. Tell him I don't wanna do business with him," he tells her. "And this envelope is all the reasons why."

" I gotta stop using Amazon now," Kayla laughs. "You two have fun."


We get in the car and drive off to the hospital. The car ride was quiet. I think we were both nervous and didn't wanna talk about it. I turn the radio on to create a distraction from the loud silence. I was pleased to hear Beyoncé's beautiful voice ring through the car.

I fought for you
The hardest, it made me the strongest
So tell me your secrets
I just can't stand to see you leaving

But Heaven couldn't wait for you

He pulled up into the hospital parking lot. "Alright we are a little early so we will probably be out of there—," he cuts me off and I feel his fingers touch mine.

"I'm not even gonna front...I'm very nervous."

"You don't need to be nervous. You'll be fine."

He opens his mouth to say something and then closes it. We get out of the car and head upstairs to check in.


"Kamaria Valoy?"

We approach the nurse who called her name. "Well you must be Kamaria and....," she looks at me.

"I'm her husband...and the dad."

"Alright you guys come this way."

"You guys come in this room and the doctor will be with you shortly."

She closed the door and Kamaria just stared at the ground. I wish I knew what she was thinking.

Before I could say anything, the doctor walks in.

"Congrats to you both," she smiles. "I know you're feeling a lot of emotions right now," she says. "This is your first pregnancy?"

Kamaria nods.

"Okay so let's go over some things and then we can talk about the possible complications that have your husband on edge it seems," she looks in my direction. I give her a smile to let her know I'm listening but physically I am not there.

I zoned out after she started talking about how to stay healthy during the pregnancy. Not on purpose. But things were becoming very real in this moment and my nervous system was taking over.


"Alright so final thing...we need you to be careful. Your blood results show some hormonal imbalances that could cause complications in the first trimester," she says. "You only have like a few weeks to go. So just be on top of everything and take your vitamins and you should be okay," she says.

"Thank you."

"And call if anything abnormal," she smiles.

"Thank you."

After going over everything with her, I felt a lot better about this. I knew what I was doing and I knew what I had to do to protect my baby and I.

"Aubrey? We can go."

He looks up at me. "Huh?"

"You okay? We are done."

"Y-yeah let's go," he gets up.

When we get to the car, I look at him. "What's wrong?"


I knew he was nervous about being a father and all. But his behavior wasn't making me feel at ease either. I couldn't tell if he was just nervous...or maybe felt like this was a mistake?

"I'm scared that I'm not gonna be enough for you and this baby right now," he blurts out. "Like the baby isn't here yet and I already feel like I'm not doing enough. You have to carry all this on you and then worry about complications. Like what if I'm not even a good father? Or worse...I'm like mine."

I knew something was bothering him, but it hurt to hear him think he could be as bad as his own father. He was already a great man as is.

"Well first of all, I'd love nothing more than for you to be the one to carry the baby instead of me," I roll my eyes. "Second of all, I just need you here. That's all Aubrey. You've already proven you're not like your dad. So don't think that you're even that close in comparison. You have months to prepare to be a dad. You'll be a good one."

He sighs and I squeeze his hand. "You're not your father."

He starts the car. "You hungry?"

"I could eat," I smirk.

He rolls his eyes and smiles, turning down to a nearby hamburger place for us to eat.

"Bye the way," he turns to me. "I am very grateful to have you as my future wife and the mother of my child. I love you."

I felt a smile creep on my face. "I love you...and I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else," I kiss him. "But burgers and fries?"


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Sorry this is very short🥲 next one will be longer
Thank you all for being patient with me and my updating 🥲♥️ I be on Wattpad ready to upload and then boom...these professors want me to have to life yall 😩
How is school going for those of y'all in school though? 

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