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"Kamaria you know I can hear the stress in your voice," My mom sighs on the other side of the phone.

I yawn. "No I'm fine mom, I'm going to bed soon," I type away at my computer.

"Why don't you at least wait a little bit before you jump into this," she says.

"Mom I'm going to be fine. I need this money and I don't want to wait until I'm older to complete my masters," I tell her.

I had graduated from college last year in business. But I wanted to get my masters and I wanted to get it right away.

Sure I had time but, the faster I got it over with...the more money I could make.

I was working the last couple of months for a business, doing HR and personal management. While I was on my computer, I came upon a place that was hiring.


I had never heard of this company before. I clicked on it and I saw they were hiring. The pay was twice as much as I was making.

"Okay I trust you. Call me if you need anything," she tells me.

"Okay Mom. I love you."

"I love you too," she hangs up the phone.

My mom was worried that it would be too much for me to work on getting my masters in business and work this job. Especially if I didn't know how demanding it would be. But I've always been determined since I was younger.

Since it was only my mother and I...I knew I had to be strong for her.

I didn't have any siblings and my father had been deported back to the Dominican Republic when I was two years old.

My mother was from the Democratic Republic of Congo. But she had come here at a very young age. My father also came at a young age but, he was never informed he was not a legal immigrant.

We were never able to find him or contact him. So we just keep going on with our lives. I worked really hard in school and attended Howard University.

I type away on my computer. While I'm doing that, I receive an email.

Good Evening Ms. Valoy,
We have received your application and Mr. Graham would like to meet with you tomorrow if that is alright? Your resume shows you're quite a hard worker and exactly what we need. I hope you consider joining our team.
Best of Luck,
Kayla Pierce. 

I was surprised that they wanted to interview me already? I only had a bachelors degree, there wasn't much special about me. I looked at the name though.

Mr. Graham

I decided to look it up.

Thousands of pictures of a tone lightskin male showed up all over my computer. He wore expensive suits, drank expensive wine, and had expensive taste in women it seemed.

I scrolled through and saw that he was a pretty popular guy.

"Hmm never heard of him," I mumble to myself.

I close my laptop and brace myself for tomorrow.

Hopefully I would get this job.

Here's the first chapter y'all. If you're coming from my Drake Imagines, nice to see you again my loves❤️
If you're new to my Wattpad. I have a Drake Imagines book. (Disclaimer: a lot of my very first imagines were pretty terrible since I was in middle school when I wrote them. The newer ones are better!!)
~ Anyways I hope you enjoyed

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