Chapter Forty Eight

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Weeks have passed since Bria told me she was pregnant. We were finally getting a DNA test result today.

I've just been trying to fix the company back up and what not. Not much has been going on in my life.

Cristiano is always there, trying to cheer me up. He swears that Kamaria still loves me but I doubt it. She seems a lot happier these days without me. Her and Daniel are close, shit even Darius.

I've just been working and sleep and doing it over again. There isn't anything else to do.

I've talked to Kamaria...professionally only. I understand she wants her space but how much space can one person get? I miss her a lot. I haven't felt her in my arms in what feels like years. Hopefully this paternity test would clear this all up so we can move on.

I also finished the repair of the staff looks really good. I decided to drop the investigation. Despite what the officers say, I don't understand how it could be on purpose if it wasn't Bria.

Plus she has a baby on the way I'm not gonna push it. It could very well be mine.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. "Aubrey I have the results," Bria comes in.

She hands me the envelope and I open it. This was my ticket to freedom.


I look at her in disbelief.



I was photocopying something when Kayla came running down with Daniel into the room.

"Bria just gave Aubrey the DNA test results," they huff out of breathe. "It said positive."

I'm surprised she pulled that off...not. I did my research and she has a brother who is a doctor.

Guess we are sending half the family to prison.

"Who knew she had it in her," I chuckle. "Let's begin."

We all disperse into different parts of the building and I go into Aubrey's office.

"Mr. Graham can I talk to you," I ask him. He nods and has Bria go away.

"Yes Ms. Valoy?"

"Um...I wanted to make an announcement at the end of work but I wanted permission to do so," I fiddle my fingers. His gaze was strong and going straight to my soul. He still made me nervous whenever I had to look at him.

He looked so good in his suit, I couldn't believe it. I missed him a lot and I could see that he was emotionally drained.

My poor baby.

"Um," he coughs. "Y-Yeah you can do it something I should know of?"

"It's a surprise," I smile. He has a small smile on his face. "Okay we can do that."

"Thank you," I walk out and give Kayla a thumbs up.

Work would close in about an hours or so. I already notified the police department about Bria's crimes and they've been processed. They just need to arrest her and her brother.

I walk down to one of the conference rooms to meet Darius. "Hey," I wave.

"I got everything," he shows me. He had met up with Bria one night to talk about the potential of the baby being his.

I played the recording.

"Listen we hooked up several times but the baby isn't yours," she snaps. "Get that out of your fucking head."

"But you weren't pregnant when we were booking up," Darius insists.

"Will you shut the fuck up," Bria screams. "You're ruining things for me."

"By wanting to know if I have a potential child?"

This is golden. "We could probably defend Aubrey in court our damn selves if we wanted," I laughed.

I give Darius a handshake and go down to the lobby.

It's time.


I don't know how Brendan did it...but he did. He got the paternity test to show positive for me.

I never thought this shit would be as easy as it's been but it has been. My thoughts are interrupted by the intercom.

"All employees report to the lobby."

I get up and report to the lobby with everyone else. I wasn't sure what was going on but I'm sure it was like to announce me getting a raise. I've been working my ass off.

"Hey Guys I just wanted to announce a couple of things," Kamaria starts.

"First off congrats to Bria and her unborn child," she smiles.

I wasn't expecting that. Everyone clapped for me anyways. Maybe I could become friends with Kamaria. I might've stole her luxury life but she was still a nice girl.

"A lot of us have come up with a quick video to celebrate your work here at OVO," she presses play on the tv and moves aside.

I wasn't prepared for what I saw. I see everyone looking at me and Aubrey in particular has a very pissed off face.

It's video of me starting the fire...recordings of me lying about the pregnancy.

She's good...really good.

"What the fuck," I hear people yelling and looking at me. I should've known better than to go this far.

My brother is gonna murd—

I look up and see police, already with my brother in handcuffs.

"Ma'am please put your hands where I can see them," an officer says. I turn around and they cuff me.

The last thing I see is how angry Aubrey is. He just looks at me with no emotion in his face at all.

"You fucking idiot," my brother mumbles to me. "Now they're going to take my license away and—," I tune him out the rest of the way to the police car.

I fucked up so bad.

Someone has been caught red handed.
Bria and her brother have been arrested, let's see if Kamaria and Aubrey can free their relationship from any doubts.
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