Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up the next morning, feeling shitty.

After what happened yesterday, I wanted to fire Darius then and there. I should've that I think about it—

My thoughts get interrupted by my phone.


"Mr. Graham?"

"Um...Kamaria are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine," she says.

"What can I do for you?"

"Um so I have to go to city hall for questioning about the situation," she whispers.

"I'm there something wrong?"

She sighs heavily. "I was wondering if...," she trails off. "Nevermind it's stupid," she laughs to herself.

"Nothing is stupid Kamaria. Just tell me."

"Will you come with me."

I didn't know whether I was surprised by her question or not. I knew she'd probably want moral support but, not from me.

"Yeah of course I'll come with you. I can come get you in thirty?"

"No I'm driving you this time," she says.

"Okay okay if you wish."

"I'll see you in thirty," she smiles through the phone.

I felt so corny at the moment.

Ever since I met Kamaria, I had been feeling soft.

She made me soft and I liked it.

I go and get ready. Something casual but comfy. I felt as though I was always in suits or ties and I liked to take any opportunity to not be in one.

I finish up when I hear a car pull up in front of my house.

"Must be her," I shut off the lights and head outside.

"Hey you."

She waves and laughs until I get in her car.

"What's funny?"

"Nothing," she smiles. "I got you coffee."

"Oh thank you," I smile. "You didn't have to."

"But I did."

While she was driving, she kept looking at me and smiling.

"What is so funny over there?"

She enters the parking lot and then starts laughing harder.


"You're aware you still got on your silver blue durag on."

I touch my head. "Oh shit are you forreal?"

"Yeah it's cute though."

"No it's not cute Kamaria. I'm wearing all black."

"Well maybe security will be easy on you then," she winks.

I roll my eyes and step out the car. She really let me come all the way to City Hall with a durag on.

Lucky for me I'm well known. They not about to be prejudice toward me up in here...which was an unfortunate but true reality.

We enter inside. "I think we need to be at the third floor."

We walk up to the third floor and see a lot of security. Police and all types of enforcement.

Kamaria nervously walks to the front desk. "Hi I'm here about a case abroad in Dubai."

The old woman looks at her. "Kamaria Valoy?"

She nods. The old woman looks at me. "This your boyfriend?"

"N-no my boss who was there with me."

She nods and walks us down to some hallway with a big door at the end.

"Sit and wait please," she says.

Kamaria and I sit down and wait. I start tapping my foot impatiently and I see Kamaria biting her nails.

"You got this," I pat her.

"Yeah it's just weird," she says.

"Ms. Valoy?"

Someone calls her name and she stands up. "You'll be okay I promise."

She nods and follows him down there.

It was sickening to think about. If I ever had a daughter or son, I don't think I could take them on vacation without fearing something like this.

I have wealth and power and I couldn't have prevented this...Nevermind the everyday citizen.

An hour and a half passes by before Kamaria comes out.

"Thank you for your cooperation," a man tells her. She nods and walks towards me.


"They've sorted everything out," she says. "They've got all the information they need and law enforcement is taking care of it in that area."

"That's great."

"But....," she hands me a big envelope.

"What's this?"

"Tony has asked if he can reach out to me and speak to me."

My eyes almost fell out my eye socket.


Toni wants to speak to her? Gross
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