Chapter Sixteen

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"I'm so excited for tonight," Kayla cheers.

We had decided to arrange a girls night out after everything that had been going on.

"I never have other females to talk to, you have no idea," she says.

"Well tonight, you will."

"What's going on tonight ladies?" I hear Mr. Graham say.

"Nothing," we laugh.

He laughs with us. "Kamaria can I borrow you for a minute?"

I nod and go with him up to his office.

"How are you holding?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm good," he walks into his office.

"So what's up?"

"Well a couple of things," he says.

"First of all we are about to launch the new clothing line and you look amazing. Congratulations," he smiles.

"No that's all you sir," I chuckle.

"Also I wanted to see how you've been doing since the whole Toni thing."

After I found out Toni wanted to get in touch with me, I had to figure out what would be best for my mental.

At first, Aubrey was completely against it and I understood why. Why would I wanna be in that vulnerable position again. But then again, I felt like I would think about the situation too much and it would stress me out.

I didn't know what Toni could possibly have to say. So I finally read the letter he wrote.

"I read the letter," I tell him.

"You don't have to tell me what he said but—," I cut Mr. Graham off and show him the letter.

He reads it rather quickly and looks at me. "Wow."

"Yeah wow indeed."

Toni had said a lot of things. A lot of bullshit that couldn't save him. He explained how he wasn't in the right mind set and his original intention was never to force me into doing anything of the such. It wasn't until his boss saw me and demanded he have me.

That doesn't excuse the fact that he's been sex trafficking hundreds upon thousands of girls though.

His letter also expressed his need for me? And how he really liked me.

You don't try to gang r*pe girls you like Toni. It made me sick just thinking about it. And what about the other girls? Did they get letters? Did you feel just as bad for doing that to them?

People were unbelievable.

"He really tried to get you to sympathize with him?"

"I know," I toss the letter and throw it into Mr. Graham's fire place.

Yes, his office is just that cozy.

"Well, I'm always here if you need anything," he nods.

"Thank You, It means a lot," I wave and exit his office.

Things had been looking up since the situation. I was having a girls night with Kayla and I was super excited for it.

Work was about to close so, I decided to find Kayla.

"Ms. Pierce?"

I peek into the coffee room and see her talking to Daniel.

"Sorry guys," I peep back out.

Mr. GrahamWhere stories live. Discover now