Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Okay Kayla thank you so much," I hang up. I talked to Kayla about being in charge of the place for a week or so while Kamaria and I were gone.

Yes, we are on our way to Bora Bora. I think things are very intense in the office. I just wanted to get away from everything.

I was pretty pissed off when I heard about Bria spilling Coke on Kamaria.

Plus...Kamaria's birthday is in three days. I wanna make things special for her.

The plane was landing and I looked over and I could see how excited she was. I just wanted her to forget everything right now: work, school...Bria.

"Oh my God," she smiled. "It looks so pretty."

"Yeah like you," I wink.

We get off the plane with our stuff and make our way to my private house. I hadn't used this one yet. I think she'll like it.

"Oh my God," she looked at it from the shore

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"Oh my God," she looked at it from the shore. "That's all you?"

"That's all me baby," I cheese. I was happy if she was happy.

"How do we get there? Will I drown. Cause Aubrey I love water but—," I kiss her to shut her up.

"A boat," I point to my boat at the dock. We load our stuff on there and make our way to the entrance of the house. 

"So you have like money money?" She was laughing.

"You couldn't tell," I smirk. We entered inside and it was so beautiful. Shit, even I was truly mesmerized.

"This is so beautiful oh my," she was looking around. I was glad she liked it.

"Can we go in the water," she gives me puppy eyes. I roll my eyes. "We can try it out if you want."

"I'm gonna get changed," she goes and grabs her bags.

I was sitting on the sofa waiting for her to come out. While I had a lot in plan, I still had to make sure everything wouldn't burn down at OVO and also ensure that Bria wouldn't drive anyone mad. Or spontaneously show up here.

That girl is full of surprises trust me.

My thoughts are interrupted when I see Kamaria walk out in a white Louis Vuitton bikini.

Oh my God.


I was over the moon right now. This is something you see when girls get a sugar daddy or YouTube does them well. Like those dote girl trips or whatever.

I like couldn't believe it. I was so excited. I put my swimsuit on. I guess I looked okay. A little bloated but it'll do.

I walk out and show Aubrey.

"Let's go," I grabs his arm towards the outside but he pulls me back in.

"Where? Cause I'm okay with going back into the bedroom," he bites his lip and looks at me up and down.

"Oh my goodness Aubrey," I roll my eyes. "I meant outside."

"Oh you wanna do it in the water," he smirked.

"Aubrey you're such a freak."

"A freak for you," he picks me up and goes outside.

"Hey what are you—," before I can say anything, he throws me into the water.

He thought he was slick. I grab his shirt and drag him in with me.

Head first into the water, I felt like a mermaid or something. The water was just absolutely magical. It felt like you were being born again almost.

I come up from the water and come face to face with him. "Gotcha."

He crosses his arms. "Now I'm all wet." I go in and trace his abs through his shirt. "Yeah I don't mind."

He looks at me and bites his lip. "Kamaria don't play with me."

I was about to play with this man's hormones the entirety of the trip.


"What the fuck is wrong with you," Isaiah yells at me.

"ME? I didn't do anything," I huff. Things were going well until Aubrey up and took a flight to Bora Bora with Kamaria.

Normal people don't do that shit okay.

"He's on a private island with her? For a week? She's gonna come back married and pregnant you fucking idiot," Isaiah runs his hands through his curls.

"Aaaaand her birthday is in three days," Daniel adds in.

"Fuck," I mumble.

"Listen can we chill out. I don't need this anymore okay. I've moved on," Daniel tells us.

I look at him and chuckle. "You think this is only about you? If Aubrey was mine I'd never have to move a muscle again except during contractions when I'm pushing out his baby."

"There are plenty of thirsty rich men who'd love to tap that," Daniel shrugs.

"So I'm just a piece of meat now?" I look at both of them angrily.

"Well I mean—," Isaiah starts and Daniel coughs under his breathe but I cut them off.

"Fuck you both," I spat. "I don't need this I'll find my own way. I'll have them back early or fly my ass out there myself I don't care what it takes. Nobody lets Bria look a damn fool. Nobody," I scream.

I get a couple of stares but I don't care. I got a job working corporate just for this nigga to leave and take a flight to Bora Bora. That should be me.

It will be me.

I turn and walk away only to bump into a tall and muscular figure with earrings.

"Hello gorgeous," he winks. "Darius."

"Bria," I smile.

He was cute and I had to work. So I guess I'd entertain him for the time being.

Kamaria better not get too comfortable though.

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