Chapter Twenty Nine

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Kamaria had been acting weird on the phone last night. I hope everything was fine.

I had arrived to work early this morning. I also noticed Daniel was here pretty early.

"Good morning Mr. Simmons."

"Huh I— Good m-morning sir," he says nervously.

I nod and walk away. What was his deal.

I decide to do all the work I should have done yesterday. Just try and get back on top of things.


When I arrived at work, I waited in the parking lot for Kayla to arrive.

When she did, I waved to her to come in my car.

"Hey girl what's up."

"I need to tell you something," I look at her. She looks at me.

"Oh hell no."

I explain to her the situation with Daniel and she gasps.

"Should I tell Isaiah to beat some sense into him."

"No's fine but should I tell Aubrey?"

She looks at me. "I mean yeah. You guys are new so you can't afford for something like this to break up your marriage...i mean relationship."

I roll my eyes. "But what if Daniel looses his job."

She shrugs. "He should've thought about that before."

She had a point. But I still felt bad...

"I'll think about it," I shrug. I get my stuff and we head inside.

"Girl you look cute today," she smacks my booty. "Mr. Graham will like it."

This girl.

I walk up to my desk, trying to avoid Aubrey. But it was too late for that.

"Kamaria?" I hear him call out my name and I turn back.


I go into his office and he's sitting on his desk with a concerned face.

"Is everything erm...okay?"

I nod my head and proceed to leave but he calls me back.

"You're hiding something," he sighs.

I felt really bad now. I didn't wanna start off like this.

"Kamaria I know you don't like sharing much about yourself, which is fine. But I've been trying to give you everything. Please just tell me what's wrong."

I close his office door really loudly. Fuck I'll have to explain that later.

"Wait...are we—?"

"No— no I just can't have other people hearing."

"Right...right what's the issue."

He pulls me closer to him and looks in my eyes.

"So there was a situation," I start. He nods.

"And I feel like I should tell you but I'm scared because I'm not sure how you'll react."

He nods. "I won't promise anything but I'll try."

"So Mr. Simmons texted me saying he needed to talk," I try to keep the conversation formal.

I can already feel Aubrey tensing up. "I'm calm."

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