Chapter Sixty Six

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I spent the whole day showing Kamaria and her family all over the place. My favorite places growing up and the CN towers...I showed them everything.

It was really nice. I knew they weren't my literal family but they made me feel as though I was part of theirs. It was nice to go revisit these places and know I found my place.

It was evening time and Kamaria's parents were going to meet mine before Kamaria and I went to dinner tonight.

I felt good about it though. I mean shit...I was sweating all day. But I felt good.

"You ready to go?"

Kamaria comes out the bathroom. "Yeah I think so? I don't know where we are going...if this is too much or," she turns around.

"You know you look good," I smack her ass and run off.

"Hey," she glared at me. "Can you tell me where we are going?"

"No," I smirk. "One step at a time love."

"Whatever that means," she says. "I'm going to go get my parents. We will be in the car," she kisses my cheek and heads out the door.

The way I'm gonna tear that ass up tonight.

I put on my favorite watch and head out to the car.


"Is there anything we should know about Aubrey's parents?" My mom asks me in the car.

"Hmm...his parents are both really nice. His dad and him have a complicated relationship. Probably shouldn't bring it up," I say. "But you guys should be fine."

"Alright sorry I'm late," Aubrey enters the car. "Let's go?"

The ride there looked quite familiar. Although I had only seen this place one, it felt familiar to me. Pretty soon, we were outside his mother's house.

"What a beautiful home," my dad says. "We promise we won't bond and share your embarrassing moments."

"Please," I roll my eyes. We all go to the front door and knock a few times, just to find it was open.

"Mom? You can't keep leaving the door open!"

"My son has finally come back...and you've brought the whole family," she smiles. "I'm Aubrey's mom it's nice to meet you both," she comes and hugs my parents.

"And I'm happy to see you two are still together," she winks at me. "You guys get out of here. We will be okay without you," she laughs.

"Behave," Aubrey points at her.

"Mhm," she closes the door and Aubrey and I go back into the car.

"Are they gonna be okay alone," I sigh.

"These are the people that raised us. If we were okay, they're gonna be just fine okay," Aubrey reassures me and drives off.

"You're right," I sit back and enjoy the ride to wherever we were going. The ride was kind of long actually. About forty five minutes to an hour but finally we arrived. It was a secluded area with a lot of flowers and candles.

There was so many candles, It deadass could've been hazardous. There was a cute table there with wine and food for days.

"What do we think about this," he lifts an eyebrow.

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