Chapter Fourteen

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I watched Kamaria sleep through the night. She was usually a peaceful sleeper. But tonight, she kept getting close to me.

I didn't mind at all. I just wanted to make sure she was okay.

After she had sent her location, I ran to my car.

As someone who works amongst powerful, rich men...I'm aware of how sex plays a big part in this business.

You see it on the news everyday. "Millionaire arrested for sex trafficking."

Famous singers like R. makes my blood boil.

Nobody is innocence. Men think their power and wealth is an excuse to abuse women. Especially for sex.

I had an off feeling about Toni...just like I did every man at that conference.

I know I was a player. I had my share of girls, I won't deny it. But I never and I mean never took advantage of a girl or paid a girl for sex.

I could never do something like that. And to see Kamaria almost get taken advantage of broke my heart to a million pieces.

My mom has been r*ped severely when she was a teenager. She's almost 65 years old and she still sometimes feels that pain.

It's not something that leaves you. I had seen the authorities taking the girls.

I couldn't even sleep because I couldn't forgive myself. I felt like I had let her down.

I got there barely in time.

And Toni tried to apologize. Why...he was sorry he got caught?

People like that made me sick.

My thoughts were interrupted by the glaring light of sun coming through the plane window. The night had slowly ended, and I was still awake.

"I should try to sleep," I yawn. I lay next to Kamaria and slowly fell out of consciousness, holding her tight.


I had woken up around one in the afternoon. I had been extremely tired from last night.

I noticed Aubrey sound asleep, with a tight grip on my waist.

I could tell he was quite distraught by the situation as well.

I laid there next to him, realizing I should call my mom.

I ring my mom. "Kamaria," she starts crying.


"Are you okay. Have you watched the international news?"

"No mom I—," she cuts me off. "They busted some men for sex trafficking in Dubai."

"I was there."

I fell the phone go silent. I thought my mom might've died.

"Kamaria....are you...did you," I hear my moms voice go faint.

"Mom I'm okay. I'm safe. We are on our way. I'll explain to you, I promise."

She sighs. "Lord have mercy. I love you Kamaria."

"I love you too mom," I hang up.

That was the last thing my mom wanted to hear and I felt bad for breaking it to her.

"You told your mom," a sleepy Aubrey says.


He gets up and yawns. "I'm sorry about all this."

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