Chapter Ten

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"We have arrived sir," my pilot taps me on the shoulder.

It was about four in the morning in Dubai. Kamaria and I fell asleep watching When They See Us.

And it was pretty tough to watch.

I told her so.

I open my eyes and I feel her small figure on top of mine.

"Kamaria," I whisper. I tap her so she can wake up. Then I remember the incident a while ago.

This girl was not waking up anytime soon.

I get up and slowly inch her off me and I carry her into my arms with the blanket.

"Joe will be coming to take care of everything," I tell the pilot.

I walk out the plane and into the car waiting down there. I put Kamaria in the passenger's seat and make sure all our stuff our loaded.

"I hope you have a good time man," Joe comes and gives me a handshake.

"I hope this conference isn't a waste of my time," I laugh.

He we say our goodbyes and head to the hotel we were going to stay at.

I turn and look at Kamaria sound asleep. Her eyes were definitely going to be really puffy from crying. But it was kinda cute.

And I got to know her a bit.


"This deadass don't even make sense," she yells.

"That's how the system is."

"But like common sense isn't even used. A woman is raped and you assume there's five people who committed the rape?"

She was quite passionate about it. It made me want to know more about her.

"I know it's fucked up man."

"Like let's say for example Raymond did it. And only Raymond. Then they'd be sending four boys to jail for no reason. There's no way all of them could be guilty and people just believed it," she says frustrated.

It was really cute watching her get all worked up about the topic.

I smiled and looked at her.


"Kamaria...did you ever think about doing law?"

She looks at me and gets a bit red. "I wanted to at one point. There's a lot of injustice but I'm just one person. I cant do much. And I didn't really have the money for law school either," she explains to me.

"You would've been an amazing lawyer I think."

"Maybe I'll pursue it later in life," she smiles back at me.

She lays back down and I can tell she wants to rest her head somewhere.

"You can just," I motion her to come closer. At first she was hesitant but, slowly she warmed into me and laid her head in my chest.

And then she cried a lot, and eventually fell asleep.

Flashback over

By the time I'm finished being in my thoughts, we've arrived to the hotel.

"Alright, how do I do this?" I look over at sleeping beauty next to me.

I get out my car and a man asks me if I'd like to Valet park.

"We will take care of your stuff," he assures me.

I go to the other side of the car and grab Kamaria bridal style and follow concierge. He gives me my hotel key and I head up there with her.

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