Chapter Thirty One*

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Everything with Aubrey had been going really well. Everything was flourishing and I felt good all the time.

But today was a special day for most people. It was Valentine's day and I had never ever celebrated it in my life. So I was excited to see how today would go.

"Girl any plans for today," Kayla greats me.

"I don't know ...we'll see," I wink at her and walk away.

I go to my desk only to see the biggest teddy bear taking up all the space with a card.

"No," I giggle to myself. He can't be doing all of this for me.

I grabbed the card and saw him standing outside the door.

"Hey," he had a big smirk on his face.

"Hello to you," I walk towards him and he reaches and grabs my waist. "Happy Valentine's Day."

"You shouldn't have done this," I give him a quick peck.

"Well there's already a lot of gifts I got you and you're going to accept them regardless."

I roll my eyes. He always wanted to give me stuff, which I'm not complaining about. But I also don't want him spending all his money on me.

"I'll see you later," I tell him. He nods and we both return to work.

This was the first Valentine's Day I had been in a relationship. I wasn't with all the corny shit usually but this was kind of cute.

I couldn't hate on it.

Work seemed to have been taking forever. I went into the staff room to get some napkins and I ran into someone I was hoping I wouldn't.

"Oh sor—Kamaria," Daniel gives me an awkward smile.

"Oh yeah...hey," I return the awkwardness. We both attempt to make conversation but nothing happens.

"Sooo Valentine's Day," he scratches his neck.

Nigga of all things, that's what you brought up?

"Yeah what a day man," I try to dismiss the subject.

"Any plans?"

He was well aware about Aubrey and I sooooo ...I didn't know why he was asking.

"Yeah maybe," I shrug. "You?"

"Nah...just watching some movies alone and eating probably," he gives me a sad smile.


"Well I hope you enjoy the rest of the day," I smile and walk out of there. Damn that was starting to get awkward.

Work was going to close soon so I was cleaning up my desk. Aubrey was relaunching his company's brand so we were just estimating the numbers.

He had been working really hard, so hopefully whatever we did tonight would be a stress reliever for him.

In the middle of my thought, Cristiano walks in.

"Kamaria long time no see," he comes in with a bag.

"Hey Cristiano what brings you here."

"Just dropping something off for you," he hands me the bag.

"What's this?"

"Hand made dress customized for you. From our Valentine's Day collection," he winks.

"Oh? I—thank you," I was taken back by it.

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