Chapter Sixty Five

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The day had finally come for me to graduate and get my master's degree. I was really glad I went for it and didn't put it off. It was hard to balance everything life had thrown at me but I managed.

My parents had come from the Dominican and were going to come with us to Canada. All my friends had come to support me as well and I was really excited. I use to always worry that I wouldn't be where I wanted to be in life. That maybe I wasn't strong enough to finish school. Or I wouldn't have the money. But I had been doing pretty well for myself and I was excited to see what was next for me.

"Alright guys they're gonna start calling everybody to walk across the stage," the Dean tells us. We all get in line and get ready to walk across the stage when our name is called.

"Kamaria Valoy," I hear my name and walk across the stage. I hear clapping...and then my family doing the most.

"Estoy Orgullosa de ti," I hear my dad say. I can hear my mom ululating in the background lord have mercy.

"THAT'S MY GIRL," I see Aubrey smiling and waving at me. I blow him a kiss and return to my seat. It's such a quick thing and you spend most of your time focusing on how not to fall anyways. But I finally got my diploma and was onto better things. I had ideas in mind but...

I also didn't know what to do about OVO. I liked working there, don't get me wrong. But part of me also wanted to ensure my leveling up in my career is because I'm smart and qualified. Not because I'm dating my boss.

Aubrey promises me he doesn't treat me different because I'm his girlfriend...but I feel like there will come times where he will want to and lowkey does without realizing it. He tells me I work really hard and deserve it but...he also tends to spoil me a lot without realizing it.

I escape my thoughts, only to realize that the names had finally been finished being called since I was at the end of the alphabet. I get up and look for my family and friends.

"Girl congratulations," Kayla comes and gives me a hug. "You walked that thang like it was a runway model," she smiles. Kayla was showing and she was also glowing.

"Thank you Kayla," I hug her tight. "I learned a thing or two from you."

"Well don't learn to get pregnant...this shit isn't a joke," she huffs. "ISAIAH," she yells.

"Coming," he mumbles.

I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist. "I'm so proud of you," Aubrey kisses my cheek. "You're finally done and now I can spend time with you instead of you pulling all nighters."

"You have my undivided attention," I smile. I hear a cough and turn to see Cristiano. "Can I divide that attention for a moment?"

I give him a big hug. "You can have all of it right now. I spend too much time with Aubrey anyways," I wink.

"Hey," Aubrey crosses his arms. Cristiano laughs and gives me a hug. "You have brains and booty girl. This world can't stop you. And I can't wait to see the bigger things you're going to achieve in life," he says.

"Thank you for always pushing me," I smile.

"Alright alright so now it's my turn to acknowledge your achievements," my dad comes and hugs me. I expected maybe my mom to be with me here right now and only here. But  I had the opportunity to make friends and have my dad back in my life. I was feeling extra blessed in this moment.

"Thank you guys for being here it means a lot," I smile. "And coming with us to Canada."

"I've always wanted to know what Canada was like," my dad laughs. "Your mom said she wanted to go there after an election one year and–," my mom cuts him off.

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