Chapter Four

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After I met with Kayla, I decided to kill time at the mall before I met with Mr. Graham.

I needed some new outfits anyways.

I was shopping when a young man approached me.

"Hey are you like a clothing ambassador for this boutique," he asked.

He had a very flamboyant energy to him and he was very nice.

"Nah just a customer, why?"

He gasped and covered his mouth. "You're so pretty. Like I thought maybe you like modeled clothing for this store," he said surprised.

"Oh no that was so sweet though," I smiled.

"I'm actually looking for a model right now and you look like you should be on the cover of a magazine," he winked.

"Oh no I could never—," he stopped me.

"What do you do for living?"

"Business, currently doing my masters," I shrugged.

His eyes went wide. "I'm gay but you're making me question myself. An educated, Gorgeous woman," he smiles.

"You're so sweet thank you," I blushed. He had such a loud personality, everyone in the store was looking at me.

"She does look like a model," people were mumbling.

I never got this type of attention before.

"Anyways I'm working on a project for Mr. Graham and I think you should model, he hands me a business card.

"Oh wait I—," before he can hear me out he starts walking away.

"Call me," he mouthed.

What a small world.


"Mr. Graham does this deal please you," a company's representative asked me.

I yawned and shook my head. "Honestly no. You guys aren't what I'm looking for...not to mention you're in debt. Thank you for coming," I shrug.

The disappointed representative packed his things and left.

It was around 4:45 pm and Ms. Valoy was on her way soon.

I was looking forward to it all day, as well as my new upcoming project of course.

The sound of my phone ringing interrupted my thoughts.


"How's my baby?" I hear my moms voice on the other end.

"Hey mom."

"What are you up to? That Aaliyah project coming along?"

"You know how excited I am," I cheesed.

"Yeah you've loved her since you were a little kid," my mom laughed.

I was working with air jordan to launch my new sneakers. But that wasn't all.

I had been in love with the late singer Aaliyah since I could remember.

I knew her uncle was having legal issues with her music and I tried to help but I didn't want to disrespect the family by invaiding their privacy.

So I wanted to create a unique clothing line. Aaliyah had a very tomboyish look. Sexy and laid back at the same time and it was truly the most attractive thing in the world.

I wanted to create some looks that mimicked that style and credit her. My new Jordan's were only a small bit of it.

Cristiano was coming in to help us work on getting models and everything ready.

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