Chapter Six

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"Kamaria?" I call Kamaria's name out softly.

Five minutes into the ride, she was already asleep...and I wasn't sure what to do.

Would it be rude to wake her up? But I can't take her to my place...

When I get to a red light, I check the inside of her jacket pocket. She had house keys. So I'd just take her home then, yeah?

I check my phone and see my employee files. Her address had to be somewhere here.

I go through the phone and finally find it. I turn my car around and go to drop her home.

I looked over to see how she was doing. She was so calm and stunning. The city lights illuminated her face.

I finally made it to her place.

"Shit," I mumble to myself.

Do I just go inside her house? What if someone calls the cops on me?

Do she got a roommate?

I wasn't sure what to do but this girl could sleep, that was for sure.

I saw her phone was ringing.


Should I answer and ask her? Yeah maybe her mom can help me.

I decide to answer. "H-hello?"

"Oh who's this?" She asks me. "Kamaria got a man and I didn't even know?"

"Oh no I'm her boss," I chuckle. As if that sounded any better—

"Oh Mr. Graham was it? Yeah where's my daughter?"

"Yeah I have a bit of an issue," I explain to her that Kamaria was dead asleep in my car.

"Oh that girl sleeps deep. Just put her in the house and if anything, call me? It'll be fine," she says.

"Alright ma'am thank you," I said. I was surprised she wasn't more worried or something. After all, she doesn't know me.

"It was nice talking to you," she says.

I hang up and get out of the car and go over to Kamaria's side of the car.

"Alright," I carry her out from the car bridal style and head to her place.

I go inside and turn the lights on.

"Damn," I mumbled to myself.  She was really clean and organized.

"Now where do I put you sleeping beauty?"

I didn't want to intrude more than I already was, so I placed her on her couch.

"Hopefully this is okay," I tell myself.

I look at her. She was sleeping quite peacefully through all of this. I was afraid of her reaction when she woke up in the morning.

Situations like this are so easy for women to be taken advantage of and it happens all the time unfortunately.

But my mom raised me better than that. Especially when I saw what things like that did to her and her mental health.

As I'm about to leave, I see a picture of Kamaria from when she was a baby.

She was so cute with her curls and kinks everywhere.

Next to the picture is a notepad. I decide to leave a note, letting her know I brought her home before she freaked out.

I slowly tip toe out and head back to my car.

"What the fuck man," I run my hands through my hair.

Yeah I knew Kamaria was attractive. She's also my employee and I'll look like more of a womanizer than I already do because of this. Plus, she would never let me—

I am interrupted by a phone call.


"Mr. Graham, the prints are finalized and the clothing department is working on everything. I'll show you it tomorrow," Cristiano squeals.

"Good, Thank you for being so cooperative Cristiano. It means a lot for me," I thank him.

"No thank that attractive ass girl of yours. If I were you I'd—," I stop him before he can finish

"She's not my girl. She's my employee," I pinch my nose bridge.

"Yeah as if that ever stopped you before," he laughed and hanged up.

"Ugh," I drive off to my place.

I arrive to my place.

I lived in a really nice penthouse I guess

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I lived in a really nice penthouse I guess. I worked really hard to get myself here.

The only thing I was missing was well...

A family.

I always wanted to have one. I mean my mom was my family but—

You see tv shows with the mom and dad and a bunch of kids. Shit is cliché as hell but I've always wanted to know what it was like.

I take off my clothes and put some sweatpants on.

"I need wine," I mumble.

This project I was taking on was already giving me a headache but, I was too excited to give up. And then Kamaria I—

She's just a really pretty girl who happens to work for me.

I sound so fucking headass. Like a pubescent boy or something.

But she was truly amazing. Her portfolios and resumes were extremely impressive. And she was tackling her masters at the same time?


I finish up my glass of wine.

Before I could go to bed, my phone rings.


"Oh you're still up," my mom yawns. "I just wanted to make sure you were asleep actually."

"Nah ma I cant sleep," I sigh.

"Aww my poor baby. What's wrong?"

I sigh. "I don't know. I was just thinking...what if I never find love? What if I never get someone who actually loves me mom? I know I'm a bit of a player so it's my fault but—," my mom stops me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't provide a good example of a father for you to lean on necessarily," she sighs.

I frown. "You showed me a good example of a human being mom. That's all that matters. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm the one who needs help," I laugh.

"Aww you don't need help baby. Life is just really busy and there's no time for relationships. But your hormones don't seem to care," she laughs. "Don't worry, you'll find the one."

"Thanks mom. I love you."

"I love you too. And I know another girl will love you the same way soon."

Seems like Aubrey just wants some love in his life
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