Chapter Sixty

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This weekend I was taking Kamaria to meet my mom. And I wanted to puke all over the place.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mother. She did her best in raising me to be who I am today. But I really love Kamaria and I just hope the both of them meeting goes well. I don't know what to expect due to my mom's alcoholism.

"Aubrey," I snap out of my thoughts and see Kamaria coming down the hall.


"I asked if it's cold in Toronto," she said.

"Oh," I scratch my head. "Well right now it could possibly be snowing I think," I mumble.

She nods and goes back to finish packing. I was just very much out of it. I haven't been back in Toronto since...I graduated.

Jesus Christ.

"Alright I think I'm good," I tell Kamaria. She comes with her big suitcase, clearly struggling.

"Need help," I laugh.

"It's not funny," she laughs. "You said it would be cold so a bitch need layers."

"Alright," I take the suitcase from her. "I think we have everything."

We go load everything in the car and head to the airport. I didn't wanna fly private this time.

"Are you okay?" We both ask each other at the same time.

"I'm okay if you are," Kamaria lifts an eyebrow.

"I'm perfectly fine," I Shrug.


"No I'm not lying," I chuckle. "Okay maybe I'm like nervous."

"You have nothing to be nervous about."

I feel like I should be telling her that. "Are you not nervous?"

"A little bit," she says. "Should I be scared."

"No," I mumble. "I don't think so."



I was chilling at Isaiah's house after I had passed out last week. He wanted to make sure I was doing okay.

But I didn't tell him that I was pregnant yet. But I had It was eating me up more than this baby was eating all my damn food.

"Baby," I call him and he comes from the kitchen. "What's up?"

"Can we talk about something."

"Listen if it's about me farting a lot last night. Whatever you cooked for dinner last night was the pr—," I cut him off.

"Nah I'm not talking about that nasty," I laugh. "I'm talking about when I passed out last week."

" you feel like passing out again?"

"No...just throwing up."

He looks at me and laughs. "Yeah you've been doing that a bit. Did you wanna get something for your tummy."

"I actually did the other day," I show him the bottle.

"Oh okay," he reads the bottle and looks at me.

"Kayla....these say Prenatal multivitamins," he looks at me.

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