Chapter Thirty Four*

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Work the next day was rough to say the least. I didn't sleep at all last night and I could barely stay awake.

I went to the staff room to get some coffee and I literally forgot where I was. I started blinking myself back to reality and I saw black dots.

"You okay?" I look over and see Daniel with a concerned look.

"Yeah I'm fine," I yawn. "Just tired."

"Ahhh long night?"

"Kinda...just didn't sleep much."

"Here," he hands me his coffee. "You'll need it more than me."

"No it's fine," I smile.

"No it's not cause you have a big meeting and can't afford to fall asleep," he gives me the coffee. "Plus it has chocolate in it," he winks.

He leaves me with his coffee. I try it and it was actually really good.

I look up and Aubrey walks into the room. He never ever comes in here.

"Big meeting in a few minutes," he says.

"You ready?"

"Ready whenever you are."

I nod and finish my coffee to throw it away.

"Hey can we talk after," he looks at me with pleading eyes. We didn't really talk last night so I guess we need to.

"Yeah sure," I give him a small smile. We leave to go to the meeting.

The meeting was boring to say the least but I think we did an amazing job. I'll have to thank Daniel for whatever that coffee order was.

"We did really good," he smiles.

"Yeah we did."

"Um I have to interview someone but we can talk after that?"

I nod. "Do ya thang."

I leave him to it and go downstairs to see what Kayla might be up to.


I go to my office to already see a lady sitting in front of my desk.

"Oh sorry I'm late," I chuckle. She turns around and—


"Hey Mr. Graham it's so nice to see you."

"Um— yeah yeah nice to see you too."

I was completely thrown off by this. I knew her name was Bria but there was no way my Bria... not my Bria but this Bria would be applying for an assistant job here.

"What brings you here."

"A job Aubrey," she laughs. "You run your company very well and I want a secure job."

Now from what I knew about her, the only job she worried about was using men. Bria doesn't work unless you consider having an "Only fans" account a job.

"Well let's see how this goes," I cough.


"Have you guys talked it out yet?"

"No he wants to do that later," I tell her. "Ion even know what I'll say."

"Tell him how you feel. I know he didn't do anything but still."

"Yeah I guess," I shrug. "I'll go see if he's done."

I walk upstairs to see if he's done and his office door opens.

Mr. GrahamWhere stories live. Discover now