Chapter Forty One

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I could barely sleep last night knowing someone purposefully started a fire. I genuinely trusted my employees and had no reason to question anyone.

And as much as I suspected Bria, I still needed a proper investigation to confirm. I just don't know what type of human being does that to a hard working man.

Kamaria stayed over with me to keep me company and I am so grateful for her. This girl is always keeping me on my toes.

"You know how you were saying you need to send emails to make sure everyone is okay?"

I nod. "Make a company zoom and we can all communicate that way," she cheeses. I roll my eyes at the idea. "As if anyone would want to join."

She shows me her phone and I see texts from Kayla and Daniel...shit even Darius saying they'd join if I did a zoom.

"Guess we will start one," I open my laptop.

I sent links out to everyone's email. Within fifteen minutes we have the whole office.

"Where's Kamaria?" Kayla asks. Kamaria peaks out from behind me and waves.

"Hey guys I just thought that I would check in," I smile. "We are gonna close work for a week just to fix everything up and I'm sorry this happened to you all."

They all confirmed that they were okay. Nobody had any severe injuries. "Who was in the actual staff room?"

Everyone is silent and their eyes seem to all look in one relative direction: Bria.

"I was," Darius says. "I was there with Bria."

Darius couldn't have done it or helped...or maybe he did? His lips are always chapped from how thirsty he is so that chapstick could've been his.

"I'm sorry you both were there. Make sure you get checked and let me know if you all need anything."

We all say our goodbyes and I breathe out. I was glad nobody was hurt bad. I look over and see Kamaria laughing. "What's funny?"

"You're so cute when you're concerned," she gets up. I roll my eyes and out my sneakers on. "I think I'm going to go to the park for a run."

She nods. "I'll be waiting."

I close the door and go to my car. Before I went to the park, I needed to make a stop at someone's place though.


While Aubrey was out, I decided I'd call my mom and update her. She was probably wondering what I was up to.

"Hell—," she cuts me off. "So you just ghost your mother after she drops a bombshell on you?"

This woman was crazy. "Sorry mom things have been hectic...the office caught on fire while we were gone."

"Oh Lord, is everything alright? Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah the staff room was a mess but Aubrey is getting it remodeled. He just needs to figure out who started it."

"That's nice to— someone started it? I bet it was that Brie cheese bitch," my mom mumbles.

"MOM," I laughed. This woman was too crazy.

"So...did you call your father?"


"How did it go?"

"Good actually but I have some questions for you," I linger.

She sighs. "Yes Kamaria what are they."

"I mean I know he didn't have a choice to go...but how did you guys lose contact. I mean you guys didn't try—," she cuts me off.

"Well when your father left, we weren't on good terms," she starts. "And when he was deported at first, I found him and we talked everyday. Then the accusations of cheating would come and stuff. Things weren't great...and when I called one day it wasn't an available number. And I couldn't find him after that," she says.


"I'm sorry mom," I sigh. "I'm sure that was a lot for you both to handle."

"It was but...what's most important is that you form a relationship with him," she tells me.

"And you too! He misses you a lot and wants to talk to you," I tell her. She scoffs at what I'm saying. "Talk to me? I'm sure his wife wouldn't allow that."

I roll my eyes. "See you're doing it again. He never remarried or even had another family mom. He couldn't stop thinking about us."

She was quiet for a bit. You know you're right when you get your parent to shut up for a minute.

"Yeah well I'll talk to him when I'm not busy," she says.

This woman is never bus—

"Alright mom. I will call you tomorrow," I tell her. We say our goodbyes and hang up. It was so funny how things were coming into place as fast as they were falling apart.

My life was a bit of a mess right now.


I arrive at a familiar complex I hadn't seen for months. Nonetheless, I walk up to Bria's building and buzz her apartment.

She comes out in a t-shirt and leggings with a look on her face. I couldn't decipher it.

"Oh my God Aubrey I'm so sorry about the office—," I cut her off.

"Listen...I know you started this fire," I tell her. "Maybe you think that you're smart but you're not and once I get an investigation on this shit I'm gonna make sure you stay in prison where you can't bother me for a long long time," I tell her.

I look at her and she sighs. It seems like tears are starting to form in her eyes and I wasn't about to buy it.

"Aubrey please," she winces. "I'd never do that. "Plus pregnant woman shouldn't be around smoke I'd never purposefully put myself and the baby in jeopardy."

"Whatever Bria you—," what she said hit me mid sentence. "You're pregnant?"

She nods. "I've been pregnant for a while actually I just never told anyone. The doctor said I won't be showing until the third trimester though," she says.

I nod and cross my eyebrows. "Uh congrats."

She starts crying hard. I thought congrats is what you'd want to hear?

"Aubrey there's a reason I've been trying to get close to you," she sighs. "The baby is yours."

I look at her and start laughing. But she gives me a very serious look.

"Bria there's no way. I haven't had sex with you in like months."

She raises an eyebrow. "Aubrey I'm about 3 months along."

I scrunch my eyebrows. Her timeline wasn't off actually. Bria was the last person I had sex with before Kamaria and I got serious....when I saw her and Daniel hanging out at that restaurant was the last time.

"Bria," I rub my forehead. "I need a DNA test...several because there's no way," I try to remember when we had sex and I honestly can't. I know I wrap up though.

"Well we are having a child and I just thought I would tell you. I'd never try to purposefully disrupt anything going on in your life. I just needed to tell you," she says.

I still can't wrap my head around what she's saying. "Alright I'm gonna go," I scratch my head and walk back to my car.

"Fuck," I slam my head against the steering wheel. There's no way.

There's no way.

How am I—


Looks like Aubrey is the baby daddy. How is he gonna deal with all this mess👀
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