Chapter Thirty Three

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"I'll see you tomorrow Darren," I wave goodbye to one of my co-workers.

"Have fun with your girlfriend," he smiles.

I was having dinner with Kayla today. I told her to invite Kamaria and hopefully she'll bring her lil millionaire along with her.

I get a call.

"Hey baby what's up?"

"Nothing I just wanted to know when you'd get here?"

"On my way gorgeous."

"Alright I'll see you."

I hang up and put my gps on for the restaurant.

I was hungry as fuck and excited to see how this played out.

I already had my plan set and stone with Daniel and Bria.

I was a bit concerned because I was just helping my old boy get his girl. I didn't want this to affect my relationship with Kayla. I loved her regardless.

I finally pull up to the restaurant and park.

"Alright pretty boy," I tell myself and get out my car. "Time to stunt."

I walk in and see all of them sitting there.



"I'm so hungry, Isaiah needs to hurry up," Kayla whined.

"I think that's him," I recognize his head full of curls.

"Isaiah," Kayla gets up and kisses him. "Hey babe."

They were so cute together.

"This is Kamaria, you met her," she reintroduced me to him.

"Oh you're the girl who was with Daniel?" He smiles at me.

I can feel Aubrey getting tense next to me. Kayla lowkey shoves him.

"This is her boyfriend," she emphasizes.

"Wow Mr. Graham I'm a huge fan," he shakes his hand.

"Thanks man Aubrey is cool."

We sit down and start ordering drinks.

"It's so funny y'all are together. I was sure things was going well with you and Daniel," he says.

"Yeah well hey," I shrug. "It is what it is."

The waiter comes over and asks us for drinks. Since Aubrey was know what fuck it.

"Can I just have some white wine," I ask. Aubrey gives me a look because I don't drink much, especially on a week day. "Don't worry I won't overdo it."

"I'll be back with your drinks."

"What do you do for living Isaiah?" Aubrey asks him.

"Architecture and modeling actually," he says. "I went to school for architecture and I love it so much. But I also get a fat check from modeling so hey."

"Wow I didn't know that," I say. He actually seems really well rounded for Kayla. A good match indeed.

"You know Daniel also models sometimes," he chuckles. "He's better than me for sure. He works very hard I'm sure you are all aware."

I can feel Kayla kick him under the table. "Ow."

The waiter comes back and we order food. I just wanted coconut shrimp. I was a big seafood girl.

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