Chapter Fifty

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I woke up the next morning, feeling a pair of arms around my waist. It felt good to be like this again with him.

I look over and see him sound asleep. His face was so cute when he slept. His mouth was a little open, his arms flexed somehow. He looked at peace and I haven't seen him like this in weeks.

"Are you done staring?" He smirks.

"No," I kiss him. "You'd make a good Calvin Klein model."

"Only if you'll model with me," he winks. "I don't think we'd be professional enough though."

Before I can respond, I get a text from Kayla.

Courthouse today!!! Gonna sentence that bitch to death.

Jesus Christ. I don't wanna see this girl again. I flop back into bed. "I don't wanna go."

"To the courthouse?"


Aubrey chuckles. "Don't worry I'm sure it's you never told me," he says. "How did you orchestrate all of that?"

I smirk. "I might have went to school for business and finance but you know my passions have always been in law."

"And so you're getting a masters because?"

I shrug. "More money I guess."

"So you don't like working for me?"

"I do like working for you...but I'd love to be a lawyer or something maybe."

"Interesting so tell me Attorney Kamaria how did you solve this mystery."

I hate him sometimes. "It was actually thanks to Daniel," I tell him. I knew that name didn't sit well with him.

"So he wasn't just trying to steal you away after we took a break?"

"Surprisingly no. He helped fix his mistake."

After I said that, I realized what I said. Maybe i shouldn't have said it? Now I'm gonna have to explain that to Aubrey and he's gonna be pissed.

"What mistake?"

I sigh and explain what Daniel told me. "He realized he shouldn't have done it. That's why he helped me and told me the truth. I was upset too but I was more upset about Bria trying to trap you with a baby at the time."

"Guess guys are willing to go that far for you gorgeous," he laughs. "Too bad."

"Bye," I shake my head. "But if he hadn't told me'd be at a doctors appointment with Bria right now," I laugh.

He frowns. "That's not funny. That girl made me want to change identities and move to Cambodia. We can do that if you want you know?"

"You're a funny boy," I get out of bed to take a shower.

"I am not a boy I'm a whole grown man," he scoffs. "And I showed you that," he winks.

I leave him with his thoughts to go take a shower. I wasn't in the mood to see Bria's face.

I respect a sister and her hustle. But a child's life is not something you play with. She jeopardized a bunch of people for a rich man? Looking like her, she could've gotten a rich guy easily. Why go this far?

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