Chapter Seventy Three

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"Earth to Kamaria," I snap out of it and see Kayla smiling at me. "Girl are you okay. You've been done with make up and hair for an hour now."

I look into the mirror.

My hair and make up looked really nice

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My hair and make up looked really nice. "Sorry I just kind of zoned out," I smile sheepishly.

"Getting cold feet," she lifts an eyebrow.

Marriage is a big deal to me. It's something I never really saw myself doing because I never thought anybody would be that interested in me long term. I never expected my life to go this way. I assumed I was just gonna live a single life and travel or something. Now I'm about to walk down an isle with the man who started off as my boss.

"I'm not getting cold feet I'm just...reflecting I think," I smile. "I just didn't expect to get here in my life."

"You mean to tell me you didn't think your fine ass would get wifed up," Kayla laughs at me. "Girl if I were you I'd be on my second divorce."

I laugh at her comment and shake my head. "No really, like I wasn't expecting any of this."

Kayla pulls out my dress. "Well you better get used to it honey. This is your new life."

I looked at the dress she pulled out. My wedding dress

 My wedding dress

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"I don't know Im nervous," I bite my nails as we enter the boutique.

"Stop doing that," my mother swats my hand out my mouth. "You're so beautiful and I know you're gonna find your dress," she cheesed.

"Lord these are expensive," Kayla mumbles.

"Hi ladies how can I help you," a tall brunette approaches us.

"Hi yes um...," I stutter. "I have a wedding and I need to look for a dress."

She smiles brightly at me. "Congratulations on this big milestone. When is the wedding?"

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